Monday, December 31, 2007
Holla atcha girl
It wasn't all bad though. The music was good (thank you Amy and Kanye), I had a lot of good times with my friends, and even had my first birthday party since I was 5, at which I didn't hesitate to drank! One brother graduated, and another went into the marines just as I was learning more about him. I spent a lot more time with my family. Kesi and I are at 5 (almost 6) years and are getting comfy, oddly enough. I made new friends, rekindled old ones, and met some new babies! Lauren stopped by at random intervals, and I saw more of the city with her than when I was gone. Had tons of waffle house. Got a very cute hair trim. Talked about myself incessantly via this lovely blog and made some new bloggy friends.
I laughed, I cried, ate, drank, loved, hated, got rained on, bitten, scratched, yelled at, hugged, I swam, I kissed, danced, got in and out of trouble. I grew. I shrunk a lil too.
Holla atcha girl. I'm gonna bring in the new year the same way I did last year, and the 3 years before that: slightly drunk, in my man's arms, and hopeful. See you in 08.
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
*Law and order: SVU.
I like alla them but especially this one. Ice T, Marishka hargitay, Chris meloni (aka stace's dream guy/ half my favorite gay couple from OZ)! Great cast, great stories! Sometimes you never know who killed the vic, the one with the drug addict rape victim with the finger in her bag? Great story.
*CSI Miami.
I started watching this show because of the Soup. Joel Mchale is always making fun of Horatio and when I passed it on a bored day at work I got hooked. I am really antsy about my Miami trip... I'm gonna stay on the beach side, not the glades side. I'm not trying to get 'et by a gator.
*Graham Norton show.
This show is only for people who like British comedy. He has a "chat" show, but he has all his guests out at once, and intersperses the talking with news and lil games. This weeks topics included dirty foreign slang. "fannie" over there means genitals, although over here it means booty... So it makes for interesting conversation. The title of my post is Japanese for "a man who feigns sensitivity by offering to walk you home but really tries to molest you once he's in your doorway." they have a word for that! Insanity! Majority of the time I have no idea who he's talking to, but it doesn't matter. One time he had everyone turn on their Bluetooth, and interviewed the audience on the more interesting screen names. Gold. Pure gold.
*Twilight Zone.
Straight up old school man! I used to watch them when I was lil and now I'm loving it all the more. Some I remembered, like the one with the supposedly giant alien, but the one where the girl didn't want to have surgery to look like anyone else because her father killed himself after the same surgery, that was a good one. Woo sci fi!
*Death Note.
It comes on cartoon network and is so twisted I can't describe it in a paragraph. Its about a boy, and he has this book that he got from a demon, where if you write a person's name and have their faces in your head when you do it, it kills them. And the FBI is looking for him, but they don't know who he is, and his FATHER runs the FBI! But there's so much more! It goes so deep into the characters' heads and psyches... Just wiki it or imdb it or something...
*How Clean is Your House?
Another BBC show. They go to the nastiest homes in London and first they rail these people, then show them how to clean up and all the crazy diseases they could get from their nasty ass houses. I mean. There was a family that hadn't cleaned in 22 years! 22? Really? Their kids grew up in filth. Its compelling television.
*Bravo reality shows.
Jameil's got me hooked on project runway, which hasn't had a new episode in like 2 weeks man! Then I've been watching orange county housewives. Usually that one just pisses me off. They are crazy. Top chef... Makes me hungry. I wish there was some way to experience the food with the judges, but I like how they include ambiance.
*Did you hear? David Letterman and Craig Ferguson are coming back WITH writers? How great is that? I don't watch Dave but I like Craig, so its a good deal. I for one will keep my tv on that channel just on principle of support for the writers.
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
I rated my blog, lol.

Find a Sonography school near you
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
shit (3x)
hell (2x)
torture (1x)
I can't believe that's all I had on my blog. Shit 3 times? Really? Psh... I guess they only searched the first page, not the archives. I mean, how many times have I said sex? Like 80! Lol.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
on a roll here
i fell asleep, and when i woke up, all the chicken was gone!
my brother is a pure tard. i was trying to be candid here... the chick in white is T. she made some curry chicken and some peppered fish (she's jamaican) that i really wanted to try. after my first helping i took a lil nap, and when i woke up, all the chicken was gone!!! wtf? there was a full pot! grrrr. so disappointed.
i think kesi had a good time. he spent alot of time down in the kids' room playing wwe and other games, so there was a win, lol. everybody loved him. when we were waiting to eat we went through my aunt's 8 million photos. apparently we're alike in that way- we love to take pix.

Creepmas eve
So Monday I worked. I usually get to work about 20 minutes early, because the alternative is to be 20 minutes late. My friend James saw me sitting near the clock and invited me to come into the shipping area, which was warmer. Wanna give James props for being a gentleman, cuz due to the construction the employee entrance is a big drafty area. Also, we sat there and chatted about his graphics finals and how one goes about making video games.
After a few minutes it was time for me to clock in, and James walked me back around so we could keep talking. We walked past the locker rooms, and passed a guy named G. G and I took a candid picture at the Christmas party but I could tell he was feeling me way more than I was feeling him. Way. So we say hi, keep our convo going, and James heads to the cafeteria. At the end of the hall there's a mirror, and of course I had to check myself out real quick, and who the eff is standing in the doorway of the locker room, still staring at me? G! Nigga why are you creepy? Shoulda never danced with his ass. I mean, could you be LESS my type? Before I even knew he liked me I felt like he was a little weird. And he's bald. Oh no. Like shiny bald. Which means he probably didn't cut it by choice. I pretended I didn't see him and kept it moving, cuz I would have gagged a little.
Then, as I'm sitting on the train, this dude touched me! Not a tap on the shoulder, he touched my leg! I'm looking at my phone, and listening to music, mostly because I don't want to interact with the crazy people on the train. So don't touch me! I gave him the most insane look. "you got a pen shawty?" I'm still grilling him as I shake my head no. Then he waves at me (why didn't you do that in the first place?) to ask me for my number. GRILL.
And right before I get off the train, dude's friend pinches my coat to, again, ask me for a pen. No! I don't have a pen! I have a check that I need to write but I can't cuz I don't keep pens on me! Damn it! Why do yall keep touching me? And being weird and creepy? Ugh!
So I was so cranky when I got home Monday night. But today was better. Am I the only one this happens too? Is it the face? I try to look mean, I really do. I just feel like that's so disrespectful to touch random people. Especially when they give you the stink eye.
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Monday, December 24, 2007
I blame Daryl M Bell
While working/ watching E!/ talking to Lauren about how she doesn't have 12 things to say about Christmas, I realized I too don't remember much about Christmases past. There's the ONE time we had a real tree and the smell gave me a headache, the last Christmas we got gifts, the one where my dad bought us a box of random gifts, and the one where Daryl Bell got me in trouble.
One Christmas we stayed at my grandma's house. I'm still not sure why... It may have been because we were locked out of our house, but all our gifts were at grandma's. Maybe that was the original plan: to have Christmas with her. I should ask mom.
So anyways, 7year old Joy, and mom sitting in the living room watching tv late Christmas eve. I mean late. It was probably like midnight. Grandma's in the dining area, sitting in her kitchen chair. Until recently that's where you were guaranteed to find her. She is just comfier in a wooden chair than the couch. Now she's been required to sit in an armchair. Doctor's orders. She looks more regal these days, in the big chair with her arms crossed, looking stern but actually just focused (I get that from her). But I digress.
Some stand up comedy show was on. My mom sat on the floor wrapping my 3 year old brother's stuff. I was on the couch, staring into the Christmas tree, lost in thought about who knows what. When I snapped out of it, a short black man was going on about something, and my mom was laughing. I was lost and wanted to know what was so funny.
"what in the hell is he talking about?"
"excuse me?"
Ok. I knew hell was a bad word. I had already gotten in trouble 3 years prior for calling my God sister a bitch. For taking my fork. In church. Loudly. I knew better. I REALLY meant to say heck! Really! It just came out so wrong!
"Come here."
As I slid off the couch to the floor, defeated and wincing, I could only muster a few words in my defense: "but, Ron Johnson..." before a swift smack to the mouth silenced and shocked me.
I was sent away to my grandmother's bedroom, crying and looking pitiful. As I cried, I thought about what went wrong. When I watched my 2nd favorite show, A Different World (cosby was #1), and Ron said that line, it was funny! Why then, did I get in trouble? I'm a victim of influence! Had I known that term at age 7 I certainly would have used it. And I really meant to say heck! Really! I couldn't explain it to her. But I could hear my grandmother pleading my case through the wall. I began to fear for my gifts.
I spent what seemed like forever in that room, in the dark, tracing the stitching of my grandmother's comforter. Soon my mother called me out and asked me if I was sorry.
"I'm sorry mommy." my little chin tucked into my Cathy pajamas. (by the way, who buys a kid Cathy pajamas? Why were they even made? Cathy had to be the worst comic strip in the funny pages. I might as well have been wearing Mark Trail footies.)
"good. Now go to sleep." I lay on the couch and fell asleep after a few minutes.
The next morning, I woke up. All had been forgiven but hardly forgotten. I still don't curse in front of my mother. I opened my gifts, the best of all being my "intendo," complete with Super Mario Bros 3! Oh joyous holiday! Later my family came over, ate a big dinner, and played and made that little apartment seem like a castle. There had to have been 30 people in there. Grandma made a 7up cake that didn't taste like soda, but I loved it anyway. Aunt Pat made a ham with pineapples, which I stabbed at and munched like a greedy orphan.
I would have to say that was my favorite Christmas, and not just because I can remember so many details. Or maybe that is why. It was just so indicative of what my family was. And I'm still mad at Daryl. Had it not been for his brilliant comedic timing, I would have not gotten in trouble! However, I'd probably not have this memory if not for the smack in the mouth. So I guess I could be thanking him too.
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Saturday, December 22, 2007
I'm happy!
On to better things.
Seeing how I'm a person who believes that Jesus was indeed not born on December 25 (or 26? I always have to look at a calendar to remember what day Christmas is. I know its Tuesday), I feel that I can open what few presents I get as they appear. So when my first of three (!) presents appeared Thursday night, I was giddy. It took a minute to open that damn bubble wrap package. He got me the first incubus cd, which I totally didn't expect because I didn't actually say I wanted it. I said they had cds which I don't even have, and I said it in a way that I wasn't actually dropping hints. That was awesome of him.
My second gift came last night. When I came in from a late dinner with Lauren there was a large box sitting on the kitchen table. Inside was my hoodie! He has a black hoodie with his nickname on the back which I loved and I wanted one too. Mine is royal blue, and had "kaori" and my high school softball jersey number on it! Oh he's so sweet! I didn't take it off until I went to bed.
I got him a box of cereal. No, seriously. I got him some cheerios with a special prize in it: Madden 08 for xbox360. Of course he was thrilled. But he was really silly about it too. As soon as he unwrapped the cereal he was like "oh snap, lemme get a bowl!" and he was serious about it too. I asked him how he'd feel if I had only gotten him the cereal and there was nothing else, and he said, "I would have been happy, cuz now I have something to eat in the morning." at some point in the conversation he even added, "but the cheerios are mine for real, right?" I really don't know what to do with that boy.
There's still one more gift out there. This year we are really doing a role reversal. He's been on point with the gifts and I was struggling with what to get him. By our own admissions I'm the gifting queen and he's the one that usually has a hard time. But I think I did a good job, and I definitely got points getting the baker to make some cookies that we don't sell anymore for Lauren. And they were warm when she arrived at the hotel to keep me company. :D
The best gift I could ever get this year is time off to see my people though. And having Kesi meet my aunts and cousins from my dad's side of the fam. He knows of some of them, but seeing how I don't spend much time with them, it'll be a treat for both of us. My aunt is grilling for the holiday because she doesn't really want to bake or roast anything. Sounds like a good idea. It'll be a light thing, with about 15 people. I hope my uncle Richard can come. He lives in south Carolina, and has no beef about driving down here (see my brother's graduation, him waxing our living room floor, our house warming, other family events). Also, I emailed my brother, and I would like to see him too. But that's a stretch. I don't even know if he's out of bootcamp yet, so...
But anyways I'm in a nice, calm mood about the last 9 days of the year. I'm gonna take it easy and take lots of pix. I'm sure that unlike most I'll be blogging and probably reading some new blogs too. Any suggestions?
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Giving it a name
Its not a coincidence its named after the hotel. This devilish place where I work. "they got you on the schedule for Christmas." that's all she said to me, and then he ache began.
I have worked EVERY holiday since Christmas last year. Had thanksgiving off to volunteer at the shelter (remember that?). Since then I have worked Christmas, new years, my anniversary, my birthday, mlk day, summer solstice, arbor day, labor day, Columbus day, 4th of July, memorial day, guy fawkes day, and thanksgiving. I have not left town. I have only requested a handful of days off for my bro's grad, a weekend getaway that was pre empted by a friend's grandmother's death, my cousin's birth, and kesi's birthday. I came to work after 2 (TWO) funerals. I stayed late during Dragon con and every church group we've had. I am here every night closing BY MYSELF (whether the evil manager is there or not; she leaves early). They set me up for the okie doke by giving me a manager's card, making me think it was a one or two day thing, but I still have that card and no extra money to show for it. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who acts like I care. I've got shit going on in my life that no one at this job knows about cuz I'm not the type to have people pity me. I come in ontime, do my work, go home.
I have a brother in the Marines. A father I haven't so much as talked to in months. Cousins I haven't seen in years. A boyfriend who has never met this side of the family. I asked for one week off. One week so I can not go postal on these people, some of whom I have relationships with outside of work. One week, starting with Christmas, so I can see these people who I care about but never get to spend time with. One week out of the 52 I give so that people will want to come back to this place.
And so every time I think of Christmas, or work, or how unappreciated I am, I get this headache. Every thing jumbles in my brain, runs around and kicks me right behind my right eye. And it doesn't go away easily. Trying to decide if I should send my manager an email. Walk in and quit. Yell at everyone. Cry. What? What should I do? I can't keep being treated like shit. I can hope that I get this new position and that my worries are over, but can I just walk away and leave this mess for the next person to deal with?
Its no coincidence at all that this headache has the same name as this place I work.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
im fly like paper
And the beastie boys are in the video too. How OLD are they?!?
The Christmas party
*i think my crew and I were going pro-boob that night. Big or small.
*sing it with me now, "oh, oh, oh, put your freakum dress on!"
*oh, believe that we did the entire "get me bodied" breakdown, except the drop to your knees part. This was still the place we worked at.
And I killed the Naomi Campbell walk.
*what is that? Velvet? Lol suede? Mink? Man... I don't know.
*they gave us 2 drink tickets with which to get our alcohol. Why were the two lushiest lushes stationed mere feet away from my table? I mean, chicks didn't take not 1 ticket.
*a guy who works at the bar upstairs, "uncle" Eric. He calls me "niecey." just about the only man who matched my classic version of style.
*ok, there was this one lady who was trying to do every line dance there was, and she seemed to bump into me at every turn. She Superman-ed me, cha cha-d me, cupid shuffled me... Sigh.
*my boy Skylar (I know, right?) had the quote of the night: "2009 I'm gonna stop talking shit about people." "what about 2008 skylar?" "you gotta give me time to build up to it! And come 2010, I'm right back on ya'll asses."
* um, what are YOU doing? Please know the dude in blue was doing that ish all night. ALL night. And at one point, he has a partner! They're all bumping chests and mugging! Lawd help me.
*i accidentally erased the video of us doing the "second line," a New Orleans dance. Ooh that one was fun. It was like a smooth conga line.
*We owned the area around the stage. We did dance routines for the DJ.
*Amen for drunk white people. She was dancing.
*Smitty, an Atlanta Legend (I love this man) walking it out.
*almost all of us had on the same shoes in like 8 different colors.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Santa? Really?
"I told Skipper (yes, I'm going for a theme here) that Santa wasn't real, and when we went to the mall she saw one, and now she thinks I lied to her!" I advised Barbie to tell her 4 year old that the man was playing pretend, but it was too little too late. She never led her kids to believe in Santa, the Easter bunny, etc, for just that reason and usually kids get pissed at about age 8 or 9 when they found out that he wasn't real and that they've been lied to, so this is all very funny to me that the story is reversed. Reminds me of my only real experience with this myth:
When I was 5, I loved my principal, Mr Hanna. He was a tall, lively man who was great with kids in a time when it was possible to be so without being accused. He called my friend Brandy and I "Whiskey and Happy." He later presided over my brother's elementary school, across the street from my house, and I was happy to know he still remembered me.
One December day, during indoor recess, "Santa" came to visit us. "wow! Santa! Ooh, look at his bag!" all the children clamored around him and expressed their delight.
"That's not Santa! That's Mr H! Mr Hanna, I didn't know you wore glasses!" I was such an effin rebel.
From the back of the crowd, my voice seemed to startle Mr H for a literal nanosecond. He never broke character. Instead, he picked me up, held me close, and said, "shh, its pretend. Its a game!" I smiled as he put me back into the crowd of screaming kids. We shared an inside joke now.
Somewhere in my house I have a picture from that day. Framed in an ornament. "Santa" took pictures with all the kids. In theirs, they were taking pictures with an icon. A symbol. To me, Mr H may not have been so much but he was way more important to me than some figment. He symbolized more than that "knows when you're sleeping" rah rah. He was the man that called my mom when I was sick and asleep on a gym mat in the office. And I have something to remember him by.
Isn't that more important than an image? Why do people hide behind this guy who does good, when they could be the giver of good without costumes or the idea of some fat dude?
Did you believe in Santa? When did you stop? How did it make you feel knowing it was a lie?
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I was getting undressed, and I'm standing in front of my mirror, and I notice again that my stockings look really good on me! Like, boudoir photography good. I mean when they say "control top", my top was in control! I had noticed earlier but I was in a rush. And when I took them off, despite it being very cold out, and having walked to the bus, and having put on lotion like 8 hours ago, my legs felt soft from my thighs down. Another thing: I barely noticed I was wearing them!
Ok, before you think I'm a nut (moreso) let me explain 2 things:
1- I hate stockings. I think they're 20th century torture. They itch, run, sag, and roll over your belly.
2- I would rather wear tights or long socks, and because of this fact, when I do wear stockings they are usually cheap.
But this time, I got some $14 Calvin Klein ones from my job. I thoroughly recommend them. They're so great! That's probably what it was. Usually I spend $1.79 on them joints. CK has got me now. No matter how often I need to wear them I'll make sure I have some Calvins on hand.
I still don't like them, but at least I don't hate them now.
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
Kesi at the Computer:
The scene: I'm sitting at the computer watching YouTube, specifically the new Keshia Cole video.
Me: this chick has unnecessarily large breasts.
Him (behind me on his futon): Yes!
Me: what?
Him (now whispering intensely): yes. I'm pro boob.
Me: uh huh...
Him: You might wanna whoop her ass. Yes...
Ok honey.
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Friday, December 14, 2007
baby pix
Change of plans.
Puffy! Damn you! Lol our hotel Christmas party is this weekend. Fun! Everyone decided to go to the velvet room after the party. Awesome. I've never been there, its way on the north side and I live on the southside. So anyways, I'm listening to the radio, and it turns out Puffy (I'm old school. I don't call his ass diddy) is having his Christmas party there, partially because his stepson is having a sweet 16 on Saturday. So I know its gonna be packed and I know they're gonna yet to charge is out the ass. Sorry puff, but no. I aint got that kind of money and I'm still kinda pissed at TI for his album release party. So maybe I'll go home? It really depends on Mo, and what she's doing, cuz she's my ride.
Also, I changed my outfit! Or really, my outfit chose not to fit my rear end... In its defense, I've had those pants for some years. One of the virtues of being the same size since high school... So anyways, I got this great black halter dress with tiny red dots on it. Its so cute! Oh, you can't stop me! I'm thinking of pin curling my hair. I've never done it before. But I think it'll be cute and go great with the dress's style.
I also sort of changed my mind about leaving the hotel. Sort of. I applied for a transfer to a different, better department. It has most of the things I mentioned I wanted in my "don't know what I want" post. So take that, random nay sayer in the comments! I just realized I've been looking for a new job since September! I hope I get it. Pray for me! I'm qualified man. I have to wait til next week to see if I am in the running. I'm all about change for 2008, so it'd be great to start off with a new position.
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Braylon James
Anyways, so I headed to the great hotel to apply... Only to find that they aren't hiring for anything I wanna do or am qualified for. I considered walking from the hotel to the hospital, but then I decided to jump my ass on the train because it was hot. Not warm... No it was HOT! I'm not bragging, trust. How am I supposed to make money selling scarves in record high temps? Someone. Please.
So anyways I get to the hospital and go to the maternity ward. No W's, F's, or B's nowhere! The lady told me she didnt have a room yet. So where is my family? I call my cousin Jay and they're downstairs. I get down there, and where is my mom? Sigh. So I go to find her. Nothing. I get a drink, head around the nooks and crannies, still no mom. I give up that search.
1130 rolls around and my mom pops out with the dad talking about, "the baby is so cute!" my aunt is heated! She was waiting downstairs that whole time and she coulda been holding her grandson? Psh. And my mom was just being a pain. Straight up. She's used to taking control of a situation even when its not necessary...
But yeah the baby was so cute! I mean, a doll! He's so pale, which I've realized is the way with all babies. Like, he is def gonna get darker. And he has this crazy loose black hair. Soft and pretty. He's just precious! So after cooing over him through that damn window, they tell us my cousin is in her room. We head through a maze of doors even though the room was literally 30 feet away from us and go see her. She was cranky! But I woulda been too. The anesthesia made her itchy and she wanted her baby. So... After about 45 minutes they bring him in. She literally lit up. She got all glowy... We all took turns holding him, even Shamarr. I have a great picture of him holding his new bro. Right now its just on facebook, but soon I'll add them here.
I'm so happy he's here! Its so weird, I mean like last week she was out to there and he was in her belly! Now he's out in the world and ready to be loved. Its a trip! I can't wait to hang out with him and be all cuddly with him. And watch him grow up.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
actually, its Ninja Rose
Exotic Dancer Name Is... |
![]() |
Had to make sure I wasn't crazy...
"Children, Go Where I Send Thee"
Children, go where I send thee,
How shall I send thee?
I'm gonna send thee one by one
One for the little bitty - baby
born, born, born in Bethlehem.
Children, go where I send thee,
How shall I send thee?
I'm gonna send thee two by two
Two for Paul and - Silas
One for the little bitty - baby
born, born, born in Bethlehem.
(Repeat in decending order:)
Three for the Hebrew children...
Four for the four that stood at the door...
Five for the gospel preachers...
Six for the six that never got fixed...
Seven for the seven that never got to heaven...
Eight for the eight that stood at the gate...
Nine for the nine all dressed so fine...
Ten for the ten commandments...
Eleven for the eleven deriders...
Twelve for the twelve Apostles...
And what is a derider? I mean, there's at least 11 of em...
*baby update soon! He's here!*
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Sunday, December 09, 2007
Last Christmas.
That was the last Christmas my brother and I got gifts from my mom. "its Jesus's birthday, not yours." and she was right, but after 15 years
(10 for the boy) of getting tons of stuff, it was hard to believe her.
We got things we still have. Our own TVs, I got a camera- which I still have but just stopped using this year when I went digital, a video game system, clothes, etc. It was great. We didn't have a tree, but that was never anything big for me. I don't even remember the trees we had when I was lil.
The next year we got nothing on Christmas. We got plenty during the year though, and nice things for our birthdays. My mother decided she wasn't going broke ("enough to get by/ enough to get fly/ only to start the new year off in debt" I know you know that song) or getting into the commerciality of a day that wasn't even Jesus's real birthday. I still adhere to that, which is probably why when people ask me what I want for Christmas I say I don't know. I don't think about it that way, and spend most of my time trying to figure out what I'm getting the few people I do shop for. And they tend to get things when I see stuff that I think they'd like. And they don't even get their gifts on Christmas, and certainly don't have to open them that day.
So I'm not really... In a bah humbug mood... I just tend to stray from hype in general. That's one of the reasons I don't watch grey's anatomy. People are saying its so great, I'm sure to be disappointed when I do try to get into it. And supposedly everyone's happy this season, but suicide rates are higher in December, probably because every commercial on tv is making those people depressed for not having family around, or not being able to be quite THAT happy, which inevitably makes you sadder.
I haven't been a great fan of 2007. I'm glad its almost over. But December is kicking me in the arse. I'm steady. Not terribly thrilled at anything, but not so depressed either. I'm "over it." that's my motto right now. Over it. Part of me wants to get sucked into it and sing Christmas carols and wear ugly sweaters, but even then I know way deep down it wouldn't be true.
I wonder what would happen if I didn't get anyone anything.
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Saturday, December 08, 2007
i was hoping for Grover.
You Are Elmo |
![]() Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do! You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing. You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you. How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!" |
Big things poppin.
So anyways, I refuse to regale you with my day from hell. Must focus on the good. Let me just say the majority of my guests got the stone face, as I was just not in the mood to fake the funk. Oh no. Anyways (for real this time), I am trying out a new hair color! Tomorrow after I get off work, I'm gonna scurry home, and dye my hair "herbal essences #24." I'm a #44 girl. #24 is a light, sandy brown. Maybe not sandy... We'll see, now won't we? I'm doing it after work because my next day off is Monday and I'm busy that day. Doing what?
I will be getting a first view as Braylon James (James, right? If it is James, are you naming him after Jay, or do you just like how it sounds?)!!!!! For those of you who aren't up on knowledge, he will be my newest lil cousin, and is set to grace us on Monday morning. I already bought him a lil somethin, cuz I'm literally a happy mess that I get to see him and one day say, "I changed yo diapers, boy!" lol I really am losing my mind right now. What else am I doing Monday?
Heading to this great "boutique" hotel to apply for a jobbie job. I walked in there yesterday and it was just so nice! So upscale! I will be a janitor for them! Ok, not a janitor- I have been avoiding my den cleaning responsibilities for at least a month, and I just aint a cleaner- but you know, I just really like it there and if the pay is good, ya girl will make moves.
I'm so jealous of the snow right now. A chick can't even get rain in this piece, and its just windy at night and pretty nice in the day, but I was actually ready for some cold round here. I would love to throw a snowball right about now. Last time I was in CT for winter (2000), it was 56degrees new years night. When I spent thanksgiving in DC/VA, it was hella cold but no snow! So I haven't actually experienced snow in 12 years. It cracks me up how when I say it doesn't snow down here people mention this "blizzard" they had in 1993. It was like, a foot of snow. Boo! Whether it snows an inch or a foot, down here people will have a panic attack and the city shuts down. And I get the chance to tell people that a foot of snow= a slight delay and your ass still had to go to school that day.
Btw, I'm working on that diary blog. I'll update you once I get a post up. Smooches!
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Thursday, December 06, 2007
Tooty fruity
This Saturday of course was national AIDS awareness day. Coincidentally, it was also the first time we hosted the AIDS prevention conference (not its formal name). It was fab! I think that's why Jaslene was here. But anyway, lots of minorities, lots of fierce gay men, trannies, suited intellectual demonstrators, etc.
So there's this one trio that was quite boisterous. They had on hot pink accessories, and buttons that mentioned AIDS as a social problem, not just medical. I asked the woman to explain that to me. "homelessness, sex trade, drug abuse, lack of education, all help spread the AIDS virus. If we can get people off the streets, get them from having 'survival sex,' then we can help cut down on the cases we see." deep. So they got their food and sat at the tables outside the store.
A few minutes later, I hear this same woman literally screaming. "oh my God! Oh my God! Ah! Aah! Oh my God! I love you Richard! I love you!" at first I thought someone was injured, but soon, I saw what she was screaming at. There, by then about 6 feet away from her, getting pushed by security in a wheel chair, was Lil Richard. Wearing a glittery black shirt and his trademark jheri curl 'do. Waving from his mobile throne as if he were King of The Gays.
He kept going and she decided to follow. Soon she came back, awestruck. All I could do is shake my head. "I love this place. Really I do."
So later... One of the security guards who escorted Mr Richard to his room (there were 3) came into starbucks. "did you see lil Richard, Top Flight?" I call all the young security guards Top Flight. "man... That dude... Man... I think he hit on me man..." WHAT?!?
So Top Flight then proceeds to tell us the story of his encounter in Richard's room. They chatted a bit, about where TF was from, what he was doing in Atlanta, did he have a roommate. Now mind you, the other 2 security guards are gone and Richard sent the bellman to get him some "sweetmilk." so they're alone. Then Richard says, "I had a roommate once. Boy, he used to...." and then says some things I dare not repeat because this is at least a PG13 blog. But believe I had the shocked face when TF finished telling us this. Let's just say there was mention of "lip service." He also gave TF an autograph, complete with a kiss of brown lipstick, and his PHONE NUMBER! Whoa.
The thing that I love about TF is that he was totally secure in telling us this story, and, unlike the average male would have, or would claim to, did not go upside Richard's head for insulting his manhood. We could wonder if he was slightly senile, but I doubt it. Either way, the whole thing really made my night. I'm really going to miss moments like that when I leave this place...
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007
3rd post of the day (TMI Tuesday)
1. If your partner buys you a sexy little "something" is it a present for you or for your partner?
Uh... Hmm... We usually buy what we want for ourselves... So I'd have to say that if he tried to buy "us" something, itd probably be for him.
2. What are 3 characteristics of "your type"?
Tall. Nice hair. Cute smile. These are just the physical things, the internal is much deeper than I can describe in 3 lil blurbs.
3. On a scale of 1-10, how good a cook are you?
A 7. I have signature dishes, and I could follow recipes, and I've never made anything that wasn't edible, or even that tasted bad. I just don't like to cook. I'm hungry when I'm hungry and I wanna eat right then. Back when I used to HAVE to cook, I'd do it right after school and eat when I felt like. That way itd be ready when I was.
4. Tattoos: Love them or hate them. On you? On a partner?
Love them. As long as they mean something. Don't come at me with a tattoo of your OWN name in olde English on your back. Is that how they know who they're with? *ooh, son!* I like tattoos with meaning. Mine will have meaning. Kesi would like a tattoo and if he got one I think I'd love it.
5. Stubble: Good or bad? How often do you shave?
Ew bad! If its on him, shave man! Ouch! Scratching my face with all that. On me, my hair is too soft for stubble. But I haven't shaved in a while! I can't even remember, for real.
Bonus (as in optional):What are a few of your favorite things (both sexual and non-sexual)?
Hmmm... Kisses. Reality shows. Spooning. Summer. Light warm rain. Mexican food. Making up words. Logic games. Confidence. Whispers. Q tips. Massages. Smiles from someone who you want to smile back at. Chewy candy. Blue.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Yeah, that's what its all about.
1. Mo and I are always strutting around the store. We have this funky CD called "midnight soul" (but its not based on the BET show) and we'll act a damn mess in there. Working our terrible ass uniforms, lol. Can't tell us nothing! You should have seen when I finished her hat/ scarf combo, looking like Ebony Fashion Fair.
2. Katherine Heigl. Stop! You're hurting em! Have you seen the new Vanity Fair cover? She is giving it to em old school. I mean, 60s style, complete with the big sun hat and fierce black and white. I feel like that era was best for curvy women. (and she is curvy. Not that Jessica Biel curvy- please- more like Lindsay was and is starting to get back to. I feel that her body is most like mine, if I had to compare it to a white woman's, because it certainly isn't like beyonce's) seriously, all the cinching and flair and silhouettes, everything was so fun looking! Its clearly my favorite.
My mom and I were watching "Bundle of Joy," in which Debbie Reynolds gets fired from her dept store job at Christmas, and through a series of events acquires a 1yr old baby. It was funny and cute and the clothes! This woman had on a calf-length, high-waisted, A-line skirt with a bolero style blouse. Gorgeous! I just wanted to reach into the screen and take that outfit. And the rest of the movie was just as hot. I'm starting to feel her love for old movies. I bought a book of old movie posters a while back. You can get the gist of the whole movie from the old ones, lol.
3. The Christmas party is in 2 Sundays. Woo! I'm going to wear all black. And be banging! I wish I had a dress to wear, but I have a rule that I don't like to wear dresses or skirts unless Kesi is there. I just don't wanna dance with anyone and run the risk of a malfunction... So I wear pants. The top will be the "sexy", and the bottom will be the "grown." the shoes will be the "you're taller than I you were before!" But I have these cute tights I'm itching to show off. Ah well. Yeah he's not going because A: he didn't really seem into it, B: he has to work the next morning, C: the girls are going clubbing after! Woo! Yes! Its cool. I'm starting to not need him to do stuff just cuz I want to. Everybody knows I got a man... I can show him off some other time. Lol.
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I have the craziest uncle.
Actually I have 10 crazy uncles.
*Melzie is a drinker who wants to be the life of the party.
*My uncle Gene yells. Its so funny though! He has grand kids and you can tell he loves them but he fusses and threatens like nobody's biz.
*Uncle Brian... He is crazy if only for the amount of kids he has. And he still sucks his thumb. And he's a fusser too. But I guess when you have 238 kids you would.
*I don't know my uncle Richard F like that, but I'm sure he's a nut too.
*Uncle Joe, he and I have the same birthday. We hated each other as kids. I think its cuz he's 6years older than me and probably was jealous cuz I'm fly and got attention moreso than the other grand kids.
*uncle Rob/Tom. That's actually 2 uncles. Still can't tell them apart. So I call them uncle Rob/Tom. And they still love me.
*uncle Richard J is a cheeser. Everything is a crazy joke. A loud, crazy joke.
*uncle Jimmy... He's the only one people really refer to as crazy. He apparently flipped out a few times, and, yeah, he lived in the attic... Had a pit bull that guarded the porch and scared the shit outta me.
But this aint bout nonna them. I'm talking about uncle Mike. Uncle Mike calls me "boy-oh." why? I'm not sure. He's a lil weird! My mom said he hit his head as a kid. He's one of those people that's really nice but clearly a tad slow. He's a bit of a prankster, and likes to sneak up on you and "boo," even when the joke was past. He's just a lil off... I can't explain it. But I love him. He puts a smile on my face. But lemme leave you with this:
Sunday I'm on the train and I receive a call from an unknown number. Usually I don't pick up, but when I'm in the fury of texting, the phone picked up before I even knew.
"what up cuz."
"who is this?"
"turn around."
"behind you, cuz."
So, I begin to turn around, knowing that I only have a few family members in Georgia, and I'm totally creeped out. Who is this man? How did he get my number? Why don't I have his?
And who is 2 seats behind me, laughing and cheesing? If you said "uncle Mike," you're so wrong! Haha! But if you guessed "uncle Mike's first-born son, Lil Mike," way to go! You get a cookie!
It runs in the freaking family. We're all crazy.
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Sunday, December 02, 2007
"that's in the bible right? And I got a lotta peas!"
So like I was saying, I was bored as hell at work. I was actually literally making a list of the things people do that really annoy me, like apologize for making me do my job, and saying "I'm just looking" when I say hi.
So I'm going through the list, and the evil supervisor comes to start ringing people up, and I look up at the guest she is ushering to her register, and its Jaslene! Youda thought it was Jaslene with $1000 the way I got hype. It literally made my day.
So yeah, I turned 12, so! I don't care what you say, the crib was rooting for Jas. She is fierce and deep and shit! And I aint hating on her accent. I don't hear that ish... My best friend from elementary school, adela, she kind of used to talk like that.
So I have know idea what she was here for, cuz I was squeaking too much. So whilst we were hugging I did notice she's quite bony. But its all good, because she did not have on any make up (I wore cover girl for a while, I know it when I see it) and chick was not giving me the hunger face. Plus she was buying food... Lol. She's clearly one of those people who's just bony as fuck. And she's not that tall, maybe 5'10"... She didn't seem much taller than me, but maybe cuz I just don't believe I'm short...
So yeah, I saw "the mist." or should I say "the mist" mushed me in the face. I went through an emotional rollercoaster with that movie. It was so good! I mean, scary movies are my thing, but I fucked Kesi's leg up! It had me squeamish! But it had enough substance that when people got deep I was like "wow..." and the old lady had me cracking up. She's responsible for my title quote. When she said it, best part of the movie, word-wise. Please go see it! It was fucked up yet good. I mean, Stephen King really got my mind all crazy. Sigh.
And I bought Amy winehouse's "Frank." Finally! Dang! Now I see why it would have taken til November to get it... I just wasn't willing to be on a waiting list that long. My fave song is still "f*** me pumps. " it is so true!
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Saturday, December 01, 2007
Inspired by stace
Title: "oh my God tyra thank you so much!"
Bored as hell at work
Then up walks freakin jaslene!
She weighs less than me.
Yeah, I met her. Yeah it was awesome.
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