Thursday, December 13, 2007

Braylon James

Ok, Monday morning I woke at an ungodly hour. 730 am! Do you know the last time I woke up at 730am? Me either! Lol Kesi came and picked me and my mom up and took us to the train station on his way to work. :D we listened to the "A team" take calls about mike vick. I don't think his sentence was fair but I certainly don't think people should be pissed at dogs for what he did to them. Hurting dogs is a sign of sociopathy. So...

Anyways, so I headed to the great hotel to apply... Only to find that they aren't hiring for anything I wanna do or am qualified for. I considered walking from the hotel to the hospital, but then I decided to jump my ass on the train because it was hot. Not warm... No it was HOT! I'm not bragging, trust. How am I supposed to make money selling scarves in record high temps? Someone. Please.

So anyways I get to the hospital and go to the maternity ward. No W's, F's, or B's nowhere! The lady told me she didnt have a room yet. So where is my family? I call my cousin Jay and they're downstairs. I get down there, and where is my mom? Sigh. So I go to find her. Nothing. I get a drink, head around the nooks and crannies, still no mom. I give up that search.

1130 rolls around and my mom pops out with the dad talking about, "the baby is so cute!" my aunt is heated! She was waiting downstairs that whole time and she coulda been holding her grandson? Psh. And my mom was just being a pain. Straight up. She's used to taking control of a situation even when its not necessary...

But yeah the baby was so cute! I mean, a doll! He's so pale, which I've realized is the way with all babies. Like, he is def gonna get darker. And he has this crazy loose black hair. Soft and pretty. He's just precious! So after cooing over him through that damn window, they tell us my cousin is in her room. We head through a maze of doors even though the room was literally 30 feet away from us and go see her. She was cranky! But I woulda been too. The anesthesia made her itchy and she wanted her baby. So... After about 45 minutes they bring him in. She literally lit up. She got all glowy... We all took turns holding him, even Shamarr. I have a great picture of him holding his new bro. Right now its just on facebook, but soon I'll add them here.

I'm so happy he's here! Its so weird, I mean like last week she was out to there and he was in her belly! Now he's out in the world and ready to be loved. Its a trip! I can't wait to hang out with him and be all cuddly with him. And watch him grow up.
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Jameil said...

awwww. babies. so cute.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

now thats somethin to smile and b thankful for