spent christmas day at my aunt linda's house. let me just say straight off that i did not see my brother or my dad. but i still had a good time.
my cousin chelsee (her grandma and my dad are sibs). aparently we look alike or sumn. lol.

my brother is a pure tard. i was trying to be candid here... the chick in white is T. she made some curry chicken and some peppered fish (she's jamaican) that i really wanted to try. after my first helping i took a lil nap, and when i woke up, all the chicken was gone!!! wtf? there was a full pot! grrrr. so disappointed.
what a cutie!!! my cousin tika's youngest daughter. she has 3 kids and i thought the guy who was there was the father of the youngest two... he wasnt. so T gets around, lol. but baby was sweet!!! her name is joy too, her middle name i think. She kept trying to grab the camera, but I wouldn't let her. I did let her grab my lip and she scratched the mess out of it. Looks like someone punched me in the mouth.
my brother is a pure tard. i was trying to be candid here... the chick in white is T. she made some curry chicken and some peppered fish (she's jamaican) that i really wanted to try. after my first helping i took a lil nap, and when i woke up, all the chicken was gone!!! wtf? there was a full pot! grrrr. so disappointed.
i think kesi had a good time. he spent alot of time down in the kids' room playing wwe and other games, so there was a win, lol. everybody loved him. when we were waiting to eat we went through my aunt's 8 million photos. apparently we're alike in that way- we love to take pix.

so i had a great day. it was nice to see my people again. we'll have to do it more often. i hope i can convince my aunt to upload at least most of those pix...they were crazy!!! my parents at 18, my dad's pix from when he was about 8. me when i first moved to ga (id really like to borrow and BURN those).
1 comment:
i still look exactly the same. joy... i hate to tell you this... but.... I ATE THE CHICKEN AND IT WAS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!! shouldn't a fell asleep.
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