Title: "oh my God tyra thank you so much!"
Bored as hell at work
Then up walks freakin jaslene!
She weighs less than me.
Yeah, I met her. Yeah it was awesome.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
"if there was a better way to go then it would find me. i can't help if the road just rolls up behind me. be kind to me, or treat me mean; i'll make the most of it, im an extraordinary machine."
Of course she weighs less than you. lol. she weighs less than a 10yo child. more details please! i like her.
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ugh. i didn't like her. her face was the same 'aztec warrior woman' in every shot. then there's her accent. if they made such a big deal abt dani's, why noy jas'? i suppose that's not her fault.
she looks like the skinniest top model. is she tall?
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