and this?

well, you get this.

morphthing.com, youre making my uterus ache. thank you.
PS: you can see kesi's moustsche. weird. and the fact that neither pic had a visible hairline shows too. lol.
Ladies. Please. Please! I am begging: stop having sex with Lil Wayne. If ever you are faced with a horny, naked Lil Wayne, do me a favor. Take a step back and look at what you're about to do. Literally, and metaphorically. He's in no way attractive. He's got muscles, sure, but they're covered in tattoos. We all know I have no problem with tattoos but I'm pretty sure a lot of his were done while intoxicated. He tattooed his eyelids. And "misunderstood" on his eyebrow. And a crack in his forehead. Look. Do you see it? He had someone drill lightly into his forehead! His dreds look well kept but they probably smell like alcohol and sweat and other druggy bodily secretions. Remember, he does drugs. Many kinds. You're about to have sex with a drug addict. Is he intoxicated now? Ask him. If he says anything, the answer is yes. If he doesn't respond, he's asleep.
If for some reason you still, after all these things I've mentioned to you, find Dewayne Carter attractive enough to bone him, please, please, use a condom. And be on birth control. Take 2 that day. Unlike 2 condoms, 2 pills don't cancel themselves out. Apparently he's already got a lil girl, who he fathered in between successes, a son, born last year by an Asian beautician in Ohio, and horror of horrors- he got Lauren London pregnant. That one literally makes me wanna barf in my mouth. Lauren London. New-new. Unlike what Common said, love is a mystery in this case. Ugh. Anyways, think about this: You may be one of lil Wayne's baby mamas. You guys could start a support group. It would be called "I have a baby by the most unattractive black man in the history of rap." there would surely be some chicks who didn't actually have babies in the group too. They want to laugh at you.
Kesi says quite often that he looks like Sonic the Hedgehog. I like this because I tend to not want to call black men monkeys. I liken myself to Doctor Robotnik. I'm bent on destroying him. Next time I see him, ima throw a chili dog at him.
Don't let my hatred take away from the point. Weezy F Baby is not to be sexed. Its for your own good. Thank you, goodnight.
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And do it! Now!
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Anyways. Its hot. I'm adoring this fact since I hate winter clothes and Kesi has been driving me to the bus stop since they robbed the AT&T guy in the same spot my bro got robbed. With a rifle. I don't want any limbs blown off. We haven't heard of anyone else getting robbed but we also haven't heard that dudes got caught either. So no.
I went to an "indoor campfire" Friday night. Crazy right? There was food (no, thank you) plenty alcohol, and.... A country band. I almost died! I thought I'd gotten punked. I respect their musicianship, they sounded great, but that's not me at all. It was funny because the group we came to see, yelawolf, is nothing like that, at least not outwardly. They're a rap/rock/punk group that happens to be from Alabama and Tennessee but it barely reflects in their music, so I was expecting a different opener. Ah well. When yelawolf did get going (oh btw this is the same group I saw in September and the singer took my shades off my face and wore them for a while) it was literally something I've never seen before. They sat around the "campfire" and played acoustic bass, guitar, violin, harmonica and drums. Just freestyled for a while and it sounded awesome. Breezy was with me and he was amazed at it too. He went in a lil skeptical, especially after the country band, but he dug it.
Besides the band, there was the audience. We all got along. Except one guy.... He was about 6foot5, pure muscle, and smelled like clothes in storage. You know what I mean. When you take your winter clothes out of the back of your closet and have to rewash them cuz they have a... Scent. And this guy was a spaz. He was sweaty (it wasn't that hot for his whole body to be glowing) and flailing and wanted to touch everyone and move freely through the crowd. And he had ugly dreds. You know the kind. Breezy has pretty, uniform dreds. This guy's were a Miami mess. Anyways, besides this idiot, the show was hot. If you feel like youtubing, I recommend "box Chevy," and "gone" and he also is on that new slim thug single "I run."
What else? I guess that's it. I have a story to tell but I haven't finished typing it up yet. I want it to be entertaining and informative, lol. Holla!
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"if there was a better way to go then it would find me. i can't help if the road just rolls up behind me. be kind to me, or treat me mean; i'll make the most of it, im an extraordinary machine."