Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm telling all the biz

*work dramas*

1. So its busy in the hotel right now, as it gets as the temperature raises, so we have to be on our game. That means ontime, completely prepared, full bank. We have a woman that works in the back, where an essential part of her job is giving change. Pennies, quarters, bills, etc. At a certain part of the day we go get change. Since its busy its so very neccessary.

So Wednesday this guy from the valet parking co comes up like "I need change." ok, 2tens, some ones, what? "100 ones." I can't give you 100ones. Its very busy and I need my ones. Are you allowed to go to general cashier? (since its a secure area some franchised departments can't partake of the service. "yes but there's a line. I thought yall had extra money." well if you don't stand in the line, and I give you change then I'll have to stand in the line. I don't see where that benefits me. Also, no, I dont have extra. I have enough for me. And I can't give you any.

Ok, so then I tell my manager how he basically told me he was too lazy to stand in line at the cashier and thought my money was up for negotiation. No buddy! Oh, at one point he even said "lemme see how much you have" like we could work out a deal. For the record I had hella ones, but by the end of the night I had none. So my not giving him any was a good deal. Then (then!) he comes back Friday with some fives trying to make a trade. After I heard he again wanted ones, I left the conversation because I JUST told him no! So my coworker is giving him the "I can't spare it" speech and he's again trying to haggle these fives! So she, not knowing who he is, said "we can go get you some ones from the cashier" and I said no he can get them himself. So he walked off and I told her about Wednesday's drama. If he comes back i'ma have to really get at him.

2. So I told you how my homeboy had been skimming money and got fired, right? If I didn't, that's the whole story. He'd been "no sale"-ing and pocketing the money and he got caught. So now he's been gone for a month or so. Why is there a MARKED difference in profits and deposits? Like a noticeable difference. What the hell. Were we really underestimating how much money he was taking? Meanwhile he's on welfare and proud of it! And other facts, but I wont tell all his biz. Just know he's trifling. And has nothing to show for it. Hope he had some money squirreled away, though I heard he was selling his rims on eBay.

3. One of my supervisors got fired for stealing time. I remember one instance last summer where he "left" at 3ish, and then we saw him at 730 that night! And we're like, what are you doing here? He said he "forgot something." I really think he stayed clocked in and left. Apparently he had been editing his time to say he was scheduled later than he was when he'd come in late. He was seriously getting over. He got caught and fired but he contested it and now he's back. My thing is, now there's a tension. He thinks the mgr is out to get him (which may be true) and she feels usurped. So that's all fun.

4. My homegirl quit. Or sumn like that. She called in sick, then didn't call in at all (and I had to work for her, while I was already scheduled next door), then had a 3 day weekend scheduled then didn't call in again. Then last Tuesday I get a call asking if I wanted to work. It was already deep into year afternoon so I said no (though I wish I hadn't, it was my only day to be absolutely lazy) Wednesday I see her girlfriend and she says my coworker left town. Or at least that's what they're telling my manager and any other authorities. The real story apparently involves the FBI and the decision not to come to work because other things were taking off in her life. Which I can understand. And now I'm working a 6 day week to cover her hours, which suits me fine cuz I got things to do, monetarily.

I think that's it. There's a lot of randomness at my job. They're a mess. But I love them.
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shani-o said...

Ooh, child. Sounds like you're on your game and that's all that matters. I have zero patience with people who can't hold up their end of the contract in the best of times, but when there are hardworking people who can't *get* jobs in this economy, I seriously wanna cut these fools who act up at work.

Adei von K said...


skimming time and money?! that's how we get down?

well, that's more opportunity for you to shine. make that money, honey!

Jameil said...

um.. wow... it's real at the bux.

Kingsmomma said...

Wow and I thought I had Drama

the joy said...

im so glad yall feel my pain. lol.

shani- thats what i be saying! be on your BEST behavior while the econ is bad or youll be on cnn talking about hard times.

Rashan Jamal said...

You work amongst the thieves and killers, huh?

Jazzy said...

wooooooooooooooow...drama city!!!

you guys need your own reality show!