Thursday, February 26, 2009


i got my computer!!! it looks like this:

and you can check out its specs here. it turns out that kesi's internet means his house has wireless, so i probably wont be getting my own connection. i'll just shoot him a fiver every now and then, lol. itll be here sooner than i expected and i'll love it forever. yeee!

i also finally got my party pix online. this is actually the anniversary, but, bygones:

he is smiling, btw. i know its hard to believe.

and here's me and my lil brother.

aw, siblings.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

good 4 u
have a great weekend

Jameil said...

its creepy how you and your brother look alike. yay for laptops!

Rashan Jamal said...

Wait, so when Jameil is here, I should charge her $5 for the wifi? LOL