Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The best day

I had the best day yesterday.

I woke up at 645am, which usually is no good for me, but I had an early call for a VIP banquet lunch. VIP=MONEY. Nothing could keep me in bed, not even the thought of watching Barack be sworn in from the warmth of my room, or the 24 degree temps outside. I can record it.

I actually left the house early, which was good because I had to turn around and grab my uniform for Starbucks, lol. But I was still ahead of schedule. I get to the station near my job and there's a lady passing out coupons for free chicken biscuits at chik-fil-a! What?! So I grab one and think that I'll use it later this week. There's probably a line. I get up the escalator and.... There's no line! Yes! *does the chicken biscuit dance*

I'm still early and I change my clothes at leisure. Eat my biscuit at leisure. Go get my banquet shirt.... At leisure.

Then I found out I was with my fave banquets capn. I like the way he does set up. I was on forks, but someone in my group didn't know that you get 2 to a place, not 1. Boo. Oh, the reason why this set up was good is because there were 2 flat screen TVs in the room playing good morning America and the anauguration! (is it just me or is that a hard word to spell?) so I was placing forks and then butters and watching the commentary and the proceedings and loving it!

The lunch was at 1130 and the swearing in was ~noon. So we watched the marching in of the formers and families and then expected the guests to come in.... Nothing. Maybe 10, 15 of a 450 seat lunch. And instead of eating, they stood at the screens and watched! All well and good but they had to be done by 1 so I could get to my 2nd shift. Then I realized my tables weren't near the TVs, so I'd have less work to do. Score!

People were silent until Barack got sworn in. Then they all clapped. By this time the room was half full and everyone there was eating in silence. They listened to the prayers, the speeches, the quartets, Aretha Franklin and her hat. Who knows how these people voted but they watched and listened and felt good. When the talking finally did start, it was all good stuff. One guy said to his friend as I was pouring coffee, "we got us a smart one here!" and I wanted to say, "amen!" but I didn't wanna be all in their biz so I kept smiling and thanked them.

The lunch was over before I knew it. I was cut at 130 and had a lil time to relax so I got on the net. All the facebook statuses were great, sweet, hopeful, funny, about our future, about fashion, about how cold it was in DC... Except 1.

"glad someone's spending my money. $140m for something Bush only needed $40m to do?" this was Huffy. Remember her? She used to work with her and she got that name because of her lovehandles. She's also the one who gave me a *look* when I said I wasn't voting for Obama just because he's black. That "yeah right, why would anyone vote dem unless race or gender were involved?" look. Remember, I said before I have a republican friend. Just the one, that I know of. She's never insulted me because we had a difference of opinion. But Huffy has, many times. The only reason we were still friends on fb is because I wanted her to see my left leaning yet inteligent statuses from time to time. Anyway, she had responses.

"you'll never hear the media report that, huh? They just love him." first of all, dude, where do you think she got that info from? Second, stfu.

So I couldn't not respond. "more people came to this one than either of Bush's." I wanted to say combined, I wanted to say a lot, but I left it there. I pride myself in the subtext jabs. I wondered how I'd be taken since most of her people are republicans too. The funny thing is, though, once I comment on someone's status, I get every subsequent comment sent to my phone. And they weren't what I expected.

"Each inauguration is alotted 50 mill, the rest was donated, not from taxpayers or the governement....there was also A LOT more people."

"well, we do live in a free country, Thank you USA, i was just stating as you please huffy"

"I am glad other people said something...your comment Huffy was ingnorant, and offensive. Obama is our president, be GRATEFUL!!!!!!"

That last one had me on some "oh snap!" ish. She deleted it too. Yo these are her friends! But now I felt vindicated. It wasn't just me whose skin she was getting under. Time to get on the change train huff.

So anyway I went to my second shift, Starbucks, and it was such a nice lil day. Not too busy, not too slow. Got nice tips. I go home and watch spaceballs with Kesi (he wanted to, but that movie is silly/fun). Head to bed with achy legs and a happy heart. Obama is officially president. I kept my Barack the Vote shirt on to sleep in.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Coco said...

Huffy needs some help and so do the journalist who reported that story. Bush's inauguration and Obama's inaguaration cost about the same. The only reason why there were different numbers was when giving a figure for President Obama they included security while they didn't do that for Bush. The actual price tag minus security was about 45 million.

Rashan Jamal said...

LOL @ chicken biscuit dance. Who has one of those just waiting for the day she gets that coupon?

poor huffy. make a stupid uninformed comment, get blasted. Sounds like she deserved it. LOL

Spaceballs was hilarious... may the schwartz be with you!

the joy said...

Coco- you can't tell some people nuffin.

Rashan- its a general chicken biscuit dance. Free just makes it funner to do. Huffy will unfortunately be Tia way until she grows her own mind. She's a parrot.

Adei von K said...

huffy is the kind of person i don't like. ignorant.

Jazzy said...

I have to try this Chik-fil-a next time I'm in the A. We don't have that here.

Huffy...dear dear Huffy...I said Oh snap when I read that comment she deleted too! take that Heffa!

the joy said...

adei- you and me both. ugh.

diva- yes, you must do the chik fil a. so yummy. and the waffle fries!!! whoo. sorry. im still in withdrawl. girl i was at work like "OOOOHHHH" when i read that.