Thursday, December 04, 2008


Facebook is a crazy tool.

So I'm riding with B to the train station and reading my mobile status updates, when I see "Janeice is sad. Rest in peace daddy." now, janeice is my brother's godsister (its a strange thing, my brother and I have different God parents), the daughter of my mother's best friend. So her dad... I knew him. He was one who had a hand in raising me.

My aunt Linda, boy, she's a saint. She adopted 3 kids and raised many others, me included. She has run a daycare for at least 20 years. Taken care of me, my brother, and many of my cousins, even to this day. I say this to say that I spent a lot of time at her house. Neicey and I are a month apart.

I never knew uncle James had a drug problem. I was too young to get that. All I knew was that he could cook. he said "commode" instead of toilet. He had a brother with a wife named Linda too. He always had a smile unless we were in trouble. He, like my dad, had dirty hands from work. He fixed up the basement so we could play. He bought the kids a little dog, a Yorkie I think. His hair was a loose curl that looked really pretty even though it was longer than you'd expect. He let us eat in the livingroom. He could sing. I specifically remember him singing that one song that goes,"take to the skies on a natural high, loving you more til the day I die." I can't remember its name. He loved dominoes pizza. He helped us when we kicked the ball over the fence he built. He showed us garter snakes.

He was a nice man. He died today on the tables during pacemaker surgery. I haven't seen him in years.

I'm sure my mother has spent hours on the phone with her best friend, consoling her as best she can from thousands of miles away. Sigh. I hate this.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Rashan Jamal said...

After 7 - "Baby I'm For Real"

Sorry to read this news...

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

im a lame - dont have a facebook page

Jameil said...

Aw :( The curly hair thing made me remember me and my sister as kids giggling and braiding my dad's hair while he pretended to be sleeping on the couch. Then when he got up we would beg him to leave the house like that so we could laugh. Lol. ONCE he said yes... then reneged. Lol. I hope the fam can keep their own good memories with them.

La said...


the joy said...

rashan- THANK YOU! it just would not come to me! thanks for the concern.

torrance- please. do NOT comment if you do not read! or just dont comment at all! as you can see facebook was not the point of this post.

jam- lol thats cute! yeah memories are so important.

la- indeed. i think il be ok but im worried about some others.