Saturday, December 06, 2008

Feelin better.

I'm doing ok guys. My post yesterday was totally stream of consciousness... Just getting my thoughts out. Its ruef because I didn't say anything to the people around me about it, I just wrote it down. So I'll be fine. I'm just worried about my mom and my aunt and god-siblings....

People have been saying weird things to me lately. Not insulting or mean things, or necessarily wonderful, just... Weird.

Thursday I see my friend Jason on Marta. We say hi and I tell him its been a while since I've seen him, because he's usually at kesi's house every other day (he's kesi's bro's childhood friend). We spend the rest of the train ride not talking because neither of us really had anything to say (this is something I hate about seeing someone on a train; usually if you see them in passing that's just enough time to say hi, call me, yada yada, but now you gotta make small talk for like 20 minutes and usually when I'm on the train I'm in a music zone). So anyway his stop comes, and we say goodbyes and as he's getting off he says, "hey, you want a puppet?" what? "a puppet. Ima bring it by the house." why Jason? Why would I need a puppet? Why would you suppose I'd be the perfect recipient to this puppet you have at the house? What made you just think of that? I'm so lost.

So I get to work and I'm going through the lobby to clock in, and the concierge is standing in the middle of the lobby trying to direct SEC traffic (we're the Florida hotel) and she sees me and says, "I have a ring for you. Its made of wood." no. Seriously. What? Just weird I tell you. Maybe I just look like an exventric with a house full of things with insane stories. "see this ring? Its made of wood! And this puppet was offered to me on the subway. And I took it!" its like an in person version of that answering machine thing Jameil was doing.

Then today Kesi and I have this text convo:

Me: gotta get that cheese!
Him: like Monterey jack from rescue rangers.
Me: ooh, can I be the chick?
Him: I guess i think she was gay though.
Me: are you sure? Maybe she was just tough. And she and monterey did spend a lot of time alone on that plane.
Him: But she was hollerin at zipper and we all know zipper was a cross-dresser.
Me: what??? Wasn't zipper the fly?
Him: yeah. That's why chip and dale used to abuse him.
Me: I don't think we watched the same show.
Him: Sure we did. Ch ch ch chip and dale rescue rangers! Yea i saw all this an E! True Hollywood episode. And went back to watch the show... It's so obvious.

Is it now?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jameil said...

what in the??? lolol. "Why Jason? Why would I need a puppet?" had me giggling out loud for a minute! I had to explain to my film partner because it was too funny! there are some hot wooden rings out there. feel free to pass it this way.

the joy said...

lol if i dont dig it ill be sure to send it your way, lol. then you can have the crazy story.