Thursday, November 06, 2008

13 things I never knew, until.

There are certain things in this world that have never crossed our minds, until they do, and ten you wonder why you never put 2 and 2 together. Someone, in recent years, called them unknown unknowns. I have a lot of those. So here's my list of things I didn't know were possible, until they were.

1 I never knew a blonde woman from astoria NY would wanna tap dance, until I turned on MTV this morning and saw her killing it.

2 I never thought I'd want to get married until I was in a serious relationship.

3 i never considered alligator food until I moved to the south.

4 I never knew milk crates weren't book shelves until I went to my friend Nicole harrigan's house at age 9.

5 I never knew there was such a thing as a blog until I read la's.

6 I certainly never knew it was so mentally rewarding until I had my own.

7 I never knew the one republican facebook friend I have would aggravate me so much with her damn statuses. Palin 2012? Really? Fucking sheep.

8 I never thought I'd want to tattoo "yes we can" on myself, until 2 nights ago. I'm wavering, cuz I know hella people probably want to get it too.

9 I never thought I'd be making big plans to visit DC again since La left.

10 I never knew I'd care so much, but I really do.

11 I never thought I'd be so bummed about not hanging with Jameil yesterday, but I was. *fist shake*

12 I never knew someone else's echelon could make me feel different even in my very soul.

13 I never thought about a black man being president until I got the chance to vote for one. Not just any one, but THE one.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Rashan Jamal said...

It's okay, you'll still get to hang with Jameil. She's on her way now!!!

Don't get the tattoo unless its in an exotic language like Sanskrit or something. You gotta be different.

Alligator is good. I never thought I would try escargot.

Milk crate book shelves are dope! Who needs all that fancy stuff.

Pinning your hopes on Palin... good strategy!!! 4 more years (is it too early for that talk now? LOL)

Southerner in Suomi said...

Very good Joy. I missed being with parents, but was proud to covering this historic event.

the joy said...

Rashan- see you this weekend! I've had alligator. Tender. I'm not hating on the milk crates, I'm just saying, I didn't know that wasn't their purpose.

Diz- yeah it was a sweet moment with the fam.

Jazzy said...

1 - my tap dance teacher was a blonde white woman. Chick could move!

4 - LOL...yeah milk crates are multi-purpose type furniture!

7 - ugh!!!!!!!!!

13 - not just anyone...but THE agree!

the joy said...

diva- you have no idea how much her status bugs me. i considered deleting her from my friends but i am probably her only liberal friend and delight in her being equally annoyed as i.

Jameil said...

WE MET!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!