Monday, September 22, 2008

Let's talk about something else...

Besides crochet, before I get hate(r) mail like Rashan, lol.

*so Saturday I went off to walmart to buy yarn (technically that's not talking about crochet, lol), and when I come to the counter with about 6 skeins of what could only be described as froot loop colors, the girl says to me, "you're not gonna use these to braid your hair, are you?" my eyes got so big. I thought she was crazy! "noooo." "ya people have been doing that lately. Its cheaper than regular braids." oh. My. God. What? I have no desire to walk around looking like a cabbage patch kid, thanks. What the hell is wrong with people?

*you ever notice that Andre 3000 says the most dirty stuff in his songs, but he's so clever about it? He's quite frequently rapping/singing about oral sex. Meanwhile there's other rappers who say stuff like "my d*** on swole and I know your p***** wet, your mouth saying no but your body sayin yes." first of all, date rape anyone? Secondly, ew! Mystery, people! Let me laugh at the fact that you got your double entendre past the censors, instead of running into your uncensored version and turning into my mom.

*is anyone else watching True Blood? Its on HBO Sunday nights. Its about this small Louisiana town and how they deal with the fact that vampires are now a more common part of society. There's a metaphorical comparison to racism and homophobia and other types of discrimination. All the characters are so good. I love Tara, who said her mother was either a hateful bitch or an idiot for naming her after a plantation, lol. Its only 3 episodes in, so watch it if you like that sort of thing. Oh and its written by Alan ball, who did 6 feet under.

*my mom asked me if I'd let Kesi go to the strip club if we were married. I told her I didn't know. The truth is, I didn't know how to tell her I don't really care because he's cheap and since he watches lots of porn, I'm sure he'd be uninterested in what he could see for free at home, lol. But that's tmi for mom.

* Kesi's manager's uncle "found the thing what done made Viagra." That is to say he discovered the thing that causes the chemical reaction that makes men aroused. But she sounded so country when she said that to us last night, it was kinda hard to believe.

*i got drunk(ish) on rum runners and kamikazes Wednesday night at a show I went to. It wasn't so bad. I mean, I almost fell out of breezy's car, but you know, that could happen anytime. I was praying my mom was asleep, but alas it was only 130am, and she was sitting right in the living room. But I don't think she noticed, lol. Oh yeah, I saw this guy who I had a crush on in middle school. He made quite a clever joke comparing my Coach pig keychain and Sarah Palin. And La, he said he is muscle skinny, lmao.

*my ES, who now has nothing to do with me, thank God, actually got mad because the chick who took my place (who btw is pregnant) needed a few days off because her husband's fam died. She actually said, "its not like he lived here..." wow, bitch! Why are you so insensitive? So the CM was like, "thank you lord that I am not that insensitive," and EM actually got mad! This from the woman that made one associate bring an obituary back, and told another that she was being silly when she started crying because her sister was in the hospital. There is seriously not an ounce of compassion in her.
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Adei von K said...

that yarn in the hair sounds like some country bama ish. maaaaaaaaaybe black/brown hair, but all them colors??
girl, Dre is ON IT!! He is so clever and I LOVE it!! the 'everybody' song has some good lines!

*face* at that cold, cold woman. bring an obit back? i'd have to go off on her.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i cant see u getting or having any hatters maam

Jameil said...

um wow. i don't even know where to begin. i know that was a comment like ya boy but i really don't.

La said...

"Wetness all around me, true, but I'm no island. Peninsula maybe..."

**swoon** You know how I feel about 3000.

Muscle skinny my ass sir, lol.

Please tell your mom how much porn Kesi watches. And please tell her when I am in the room. I haven't had that kinda entertainment is AWHILE, lol

Rashan Jamal said...

No yarn hair please!!! Id hate to have to clown you.

3000 is raw. that's good hip hop. It aint so much what you say, but how you say it.

What was the viagra stuff? Can I sell it on the streets? LOL

Jazzy said...

LOL @ Rashan! It's probably ALREADY on the streets.

I've seen the raggedy ann hair for a while's as horrible looking as it sounds!

I don't watch vampire shows or anything scary after the sun goes down...maybe I'll catch a rerun on a Saturday or something.

Southerner in Suomi said...

I may run away screaming if I see a chick with yarn in here hair.

Maybe on a five year that has a play that night, but a grown woman?

the joy said...

Adei- its all bad, lol. No yarn braids. None. "girl you're killin em hard with them lady pants," I love that line, lol. I'm so outdone with her... Hateful.

Torrence- you can't be as fly as me and not have haters.

Jam- lol. Yeah I had to read that twice.

La- that's a good line too. So phallic. Kesi's starting to get more muscly, swoon. I'll lay her know when you come visit.

Rashan- I'd be clownin myself. It was a chemical reaction that creates the increase of blood flow that he found. Viagra was a drug for heart problems before it was for wangs, lol.

Diva- yeah it probably is. Gangstas gotta stay hard, lol. It is a scary show but its so compelling!

Diz- yeah yarn hair makes me think of the old school Negro cartoons with the hair sticking up. Just wrong.

(vixenchick) said...

gurl! i've seen so many chick in my hood with yarn in their hair! not like natural hair colors, but rainbow colors! that's some real hoodrat stuff right there.