Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday 13: for real?

This is my first Thursday 13. I was confused on the whole thing... Was there a set topic that everyone followed, or do we just wing it? I think there should be some place that suggests topics, but alas, I had to think of a topic and then find 13 things that fit under that umbrella...

Well I figured 13 things. Things that, when I say them, people say, "really? I would have not known that about you."

1 my mom is an ordained minister.

"that explains it." apparently that's what some say when they find out my mom is nationally ordained. Explains my "wild and heathenly" behavior I guess. Even though I'm not either. I'm a responsible and well-adjusted adult with my own perceptions about life based on a set of morals that I either adhere to or rise above. So bah. Anyway she doesn't preach much because she doesn't know her pastor as well as we did back in CT, but she will get teachy on you and send you home with some study tools if you ask her a theological question.

2 I grew up in ct.

"There are black people in CT?" tons actually. Most people see CT as big houses and the richest state in the union, which is true, but my home town is a suburb of the biggest city in America. And all those people don't necessarily live in that city- they live in CT. And some of them are black. When immigrants come to the us they don't stop at Ellis island. My great grand parents went across the long island sound and hung out in Bridgeport, the home of the man who invented the American circus.

3 a few years ago I briefly considered being Jewish.

I saw a documentary where this chick was dating a Jewish man and she was Christian, and they were pregnant. Do you know they found a church that celebrates Jewish holidays? Wow. But I considered it in a way that I could be a Christian but acknowledge the same holidays and things that Jesus did. Since, you know, he was Jewish. I could still do that now, but yall know I really don't do holidays. Mainly because they're overhyped, which Jewish holidays aren't, but I'm soured toward the whole thing, lol. I still wanna learn Hebrew though, so I can read the bible in another language.

4 I can clap with one hand.

This always gets laughs. I can do it with both hands, which makes me look like a retard. But I think its from cracking my knuckles all the time. I wish I could show you, lol.

5 I don't have any sisters.

"you look like this girl. Do you have a sister?" if I was home I'd think maybe you were talking about a cousin, but down here, I don't know none of these chicks that supposedly look like me. My cousin Chelsea and I are about 9 years apart and don't know any of the same people, so they couldn't mean her. No. I aint got no sisters.

6 I don't know much about "old school" r+b.

Meanwhile my best friend has every Stevie album ever. My mom didn't play it. But I know yolanda Adams and Commissioned back and front. Any "secular" music I listened to as a chld is because of my cousins or my dad, who was a DJ in the 80s. I'm working to change that. Sort of. I know
The majors, but I had to look up Nina Simone when Stace said something about her the other day. However...

7 if given the option I'd rather go to a rock show.

I love rock. Actually the other day I said that I'd have my first dance to "nothing else matters" by metallica and the SF orchestra. Lol that's a definite possibility. Kesi and I went to see Korn and Disturbed for his 19th birthday. I've seen Eve for free and spent $5 on kanye. But when linkin park came to town last year I was kinda sad I couldn't see them. Rock shows don't have any pretense and its just pure energy. So fun.

8 I've never been in the King ctr.

I've stood on the porch, but never went inside. They were closed that day. I missed that field trip in middle school. I'm sure I'd enjoy it if I went, but I just haven't. No I don't feel like its my duty as a black person to go (thank you white guy at work), but I would like to.

9 I live in a dry house.

My mom doesn't drink, ergo I don't when I'm in the house. Except my 23rd birthday. I mean, yeah its my house, but I think it would be a sign of a drinking problem if I couldn't resist drinking for the benefit of my mom. So I go to the bar occasionally or restaurants and get a professional drank.

10 my favorite movie is "the Lil mermaid."

Its quite deep. All the talk of her being an outsider and wanting to belong... I think it took a different meaning when I was older than when I was a lil ocean/redhead loving 7 year old. I absolutely love that movie. I can't go into it now, lol, but trust me.

11 I used to have a perm.

Then my hair started falling out. It has nothing to do with my percieved "afrocentricity" and more to do with really tight pigtails and curling every day. I was bad to my hair. So I stopped getting perms at age 15. People have panic attacks when I straighten it which makes me think I should re-perm just to make people mad, lol.

12 I hate sweatpants.

I'm wearing the only pair I own, some hand-me-ups from my brother. They're for bed only. I feel like sweats encourage laziness. I haven't owned a pair since 6th grade.
13 I have a blog.

Of course you guys already know this. But people who don't read it are all, really? What do you write about? Am I in it? Haha. The answer to that last one is probably. I never tell anyone they can't read it though, but they never ask for the page! My coworker wants me to review her artist's CD (she's a promoter) but I haven't listened to it yet. Not for any reason besides the fact that I literally forgot about it.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jazzy said...

The first one definitely had me saying, "Really?" lol

lmao @ "there are black people in ct?" People are so silly.

Clapping with ONE hand??? Now that really makes me raise an eyebrow. Video?

I hate sweat pants too!!

Rashan Jamal said...

I'd like to go to a rock concert. As much as I love hip hop, there are very few people I would pay to see. The Roots, Kanye.. (Not Jay and Nas - they give boring shows) Little Brother had a good show.. I think that's about it for now.

Aren't Jewish holidays overdone too in the North? I seem to remember my jewish friends getting mad presents for Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah (which is what they used to call me. LOL)

King Center? I thought I was gonna feel something, but I didn't. It was like I already knew and accepted all this. I thought I was weird for that.

Jameil said...

i had someone ask me if i would review a book for my blog. um yeah. made me crazy. you can clap with one hand? um no. learning hebrew would be kinda cool. i don't know much abt old school r&b or hip hop. but yoyo's through the storm? LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love when white people try to tell nonwhites their duties. like men telling women how to be women. ridiculous.

Jameil said...

oh yeah and you already know i don't do sweatpants.