Monday, July 28, 2008

dont think i did you wrong

I posted on Saturday. Where is this post? No idea. I emailed it to blogger... It even had a picture attached. I got no confirmation email or nothin. I'll try to repost, but I'm afraid I'll have 2 of the same entry. So just to make sure blogger doesn't hate me I'm posting from blogger. This is only a test, lol.

In the spirit of giving you new info, remember that blanket I made last week? I spelled the baby's name wrong. Its not my fault though! They spelled it wrong on the notice they sent out at work. Its actually "briahna." damn it! Its an easy fix if she wants me to, its just really annoying! Age didn't even know I was making it for her, so... Share my pain.


Jazzy said...

well that sucks on both accounts!

me and blogger fell out a while back, so i share your pain!

Southerner in Suomi said...

I have a better idea. Give your child a regularly spelled name. It's not unique!! It's incorrect.

AND they spelled it wrong on the notice? I'm gonna stop now, cause the outlook for the child aint' good.

GreatWhyte said...

Who in the HELL misspells the child's name on the daggone baby shower invitation? BOOOOOOOO!!!!

Jameil said...

ack! you have to fix the spelling on the blanket. stop it v! hahahahahaaha. but yeah that h is ugly.

the joy said...

Diva- yeah I remember. But it usually does good for me!

Diz- if you knew the parents' names... But no the job spelled it wrong. We do lil daily packets and when yet announced the birth they spelled it wrong.

X- see above.

Jam- that h is a bit wrong. I I like it better with 2n's. Or even 1. But alas, it aint my baby.

Adei von K said...

where the 'h' come in?!?! i am NOT a fan of the uneccessary consonants. and the ONLY reason why i'd fix the blanket is cause the JOB spelled the name "incorrectly" (they spelled it the 'normal' way, right?