Thursday, July 24, 2008

13 things I do...

But maybe shouldn't do. According to myself and others:

1 Burp. Some people think its rude or unladylike. I really don't care. I do it in the company of friends who already know and love me, but some of them give me a hearty "DAMN!" when I burp. Apparently La's been telling people I burp like a man, lol. Why thank you.

2 Spit. Rashan is the inspiration for this post, as he is for the one I may do next week. I grew up with 4 boys, all brothers, who nurtured my tomboyish nature. Because of them, and the south's serious pollen count, I spit for form and function. Used to have spitting contests in middle school, which I won.

3 Curse. I curse like a fucking sailor. I think it has something to do with the fact that I wasn't allowed to because my mom didn't. She used them only when she was really mad. The other night I accidentally said "shit" in front of her and didn't even know, even after she asked me to repeat myself. I'll control myself in front of Jameil, since there's a pretty good chance she'll be spending some QT in Atlanta once she leaves PA. (squeak!)

4 Pull my hair out. One strand or partal strand at a time. I mentioned this before, a while back, and I definitely still have this problem. The "kitchen" area of my head is really short on the right corner, so that when I twist it it doesn't stay twisted. I know I should stop but its so subconscious! I'll be at work, doing something with my left hand, and my right hand is pulling out knots and stray hairs. Only the back right side though. . I need to get some braids so I can leave my hair alone for a few months.

5 Drink. My family has a history of alcoholism. My grandma drank a lot before she became a Christian, and my dad drank half a 12 pack of coronas and some crown at my birthday party then drove home. My uncle gets drunk at every gathering, as do his sons. I do know my limits, and when I went out Friday I only had 2 amarreto sours despite the offers by others to buy me more (I was safe with friends). I know my limits, but some might say my drinking at all is pushing it.

6 Have sex. Some people frown on this whole permarital sex thing. And whereas I would have liked to have maybe had sex with LESS people in my life, and who wouldn't, I think that (tmi alert) if they had what I have they'd change their mind. Besides that, we plan on being together and getting married, why not do the fun stuff now?

7 Talk so loud. Apparently I have an inner ear problem. This could be another part of belonging to a big family and not being heard, being a child of my mother, the loudest of all her brothers and sisters by far, or being a drama major and totally using that "projection" thing in every day life. Either way I once threatened to hit a chick with my boot because she called me loud.

8 Bite my nails. I don't do it as much as I used to. Actually I've pretty much stopped biting them OFF, but they're always in my mouth. They're pretty long, so I kinda bite down on the whole nail. Its hard to explain but its comforting to me.

9 Tickle Kesi. He hates it. And I kinda love that he hates it. The effed up thing is that he's so ticklish! I can't even kiss his neck without him putting my face into a head-shoulder vise.

10 Sing. Damn it, I can sing. Harmony mostly. Its just that I oversing the music. And some people, who actually wanna hear Alicia keys sing her song, don't like that. Meh.

11 Eat junk food. I am pretty sure that if I really wanted to lose this weight I keep complaining about, all I'd really have to do is lay off the doritos and fries for a second. But they're so good!

12 Give people the silent treatment. I'll get into a THING with a person, or decide that they've done something wrong. Then I won't talk to them for the rest of ever. I'll just seethe at them. That's not good. Then they think I have a tude, when there's a valid reason why I've stopped liking them. For example, chick who said gays should be stoned. I have been around her since then and my body seizes and all these bad things pop into my head that I could say to her. But I don't. I don't even say, "what you said to me a month ago really effected my feelings toward you and I think we should stay away from each other." no. I just stare at her and walk away before I punch her.

13 Crack my knuckles. And back. And wrist. And ankles. Another bad habit picked up by my tomboy cousins. And plus, I need to crack my hands because of all the crocheting and writing. But the other night while lying in bed I swung my right leg over to the left and cracked my back. Again, a hearty "damn!" was heard. I don't think it bothers him, but then I try to crack his knuckles. I used to do that to my brother, and now he cracks his own.

Is there anything you should stop doing? Why haven't you?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Adei von K said...

i spit cause of my post nasal drip/chronic sinusitis. but only when no-one is around.

burping? no ma'am!
cursing? yes please!

I can't do loud. Should the day come when we finally meet, we'll see how loud your loud is. if it is just that (loud), i will talk about you; you have been warned.

Dopelikelouboutins said...

I should stop ... much
eating junk food
being indecisive about my *cough* love life
standing in my own way when it comes to my goals
frivolous spending
talking about other people bad habit

Jameil said...

looooove fries. your spitting contests are gross. thanks for the cursing cutback! so sweet! and yes, i'll be in ATL next month. i'm a burper, too. but i follow it with excuse me and tell people that makes the burp smell like strawberries. it's true. loud is hit or miss for me. lmao @ stace you've been warned. make that we. we will talk abt you! lol. but to your face. i realized i ate fries 3xs yesterday, 2xs the day before and at least 5 other xs this week... ummm... addicted. someone asked me last night if i would keep eating fries if i knew they would kill me... i said i'd have to find some way around that. SOME SORT OF POTATO!! and sneaking a fry! one fry won't kill me right?? what abt 10?? or 15?? JUST GIMME THE WHOLE BOX!!

La said...

you do burp like a man, lol

the joy said...

Stace- I'm not always loud. I should say I can get loud. Like in crowds or when people need to be told.

Diamonds- thats a very important list. I should stop some of those things too.

Jam- I'm excited! Pictures! Wooo! Oh I'm polite with mine... They're just really big burps. I believe that you and stace will have at me all over the net if I am a loud ghetto mess.

La- so! I also run like a man and fix things. You sleep like a man...

La said...

yes. But my sleeping doesn't smell, lol

Rashan Jamal said...

I crack every bone in my body. Somebody said it was because I was mad old. Ask Jam about the hip cracking. LOL

LOL @ you squeaking.

Do you eat your hair after you pull it out? I knew a girl that used to do that. She was strange!

I smoke, I drank... I'm supposed to stop but I cant..

the joy said...

La- bah.

Rashan- ew no. I can't stand having hair in my mouth. Drives me nuts! Yeah you should stop smoking... Wait you don't smoke! *fist shake*

Organized Noise said...

I do some of the things you put on your list, and I offer no apologies for it. I am far from perfect and I am cool with that. I am not going to say I should stop doing them, but moderation, might be my best friend now.

Jazzy said...

ugh @ the spitting...side eye

lmao @ cracking your back and your boyfriend being ticklish! that is too funny.

I bite my lip. Which is why I have to wear lip gloss or lipstick. As long as I have on either one...I don't bite...but if right now...I bite.

So...Wise...Sista said...

I believe the actual term was "Sleeps like a bear," but far be it for me to be tryna start stuff. *shrug*

the joy said...

Noize- hi there! Yeah moderation. I doubt I'll stop any of them any time soon...

Diva- don't be side eyeing me! I bite my lip too, but I think its endearing, lol.

Wise- it was "bear," but bears are pretty manly right? Yes, far be it from you. Mmm.

Southerner in Suomi said...

1 - it could come out the other, which would really suck. so tell them to cool it!

4 - scary, I scratch my face in my sleep

5 - not really that bad. it's more like you have a high alcohol tolerance and not you get so sloppy, you can't walk or function