Monday, June 30, 2008

This girl I know.... a stripper. Now, I've always been the type to not judge, so when she told me this I was like ok. It was actually like:

Me: So where you working now?

Her: (insert the name of a downtown gentlemen's club)

Me: Oh so that's why you been stopping by (place that I saw her) so much.

One of two things occurred here. She was expecting a REACTION from me, and she should know by now that that's not my style. Or she was expecting me to be level headed and tell her to get another job, and that aint my place. But where I am unjudgemental, others are not so much.

"man, she can do better than that."

"she gave me a lap dance last night! Woo dog."

"knowing her, its probably more than stripping..."

Sigh. I don't know what to say. And I really don't kno what to do. The more people that turn away from her, the more that makes me not want to turn. Cuz that's the type of person I am. However, she's throwing a "party" at her "job" and invited me. I definitely don't wanna go to a strip club alone. And is she gonna be working? Cuz I also don't want to see my friend nekid. I've had enough of that in the past. (If I haven't seen you naked, I don't want to. And if I have seen you naked, I probably didn't want to in the first place, but these things keep happening to me!) I thought about taking Kesi with me but I want him to see my friend naked way less than I actually want to see it. I thought about taking Breezy with me, but I don't wanna take somebody else's man to the club. And now I'm thinking I'm not gonna go. I'm thinking as I type.

Did I mention she's lost weight? I mean, she looks cute, its not like cracky weight loss, but its apparently thanks to the pole workout. Not fair! I'm breaking a sweat every day at work and she gets a higher salary AND she's thinner than me? And she didn't lose her booty. Hate!

So yeah I had to just get that out. I've had deviant friends, one is even a professional drag queen who likes to dress up as the yellow ranger at dragon*con, but I've never had a stripper friend. Is there a decorum? Things to say or not say? Hopefully this will end well, with her transitioning to an office job and not being someone's trophy wife or baby mama... I'll just keep rambling if I don't stop now. Night...
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Jameil said...

I could listen to you ramble abt this the rest of my life. you do know you can just take rashan, right? he's the king of the strip clubs. he probably already knows your friend by name. hhahaahaha. i couldn't resist. people always wait for me to judge them, too. not my place.

Adei von K said...

hmmm. interesting.

i wouldn't go for all the points you listed.

does she know can can do something else and just wants to HEAR it from someone else??

La said...

LOL! This is what happens in Atl...

some people in other cities work in retail forever...
girls in Atlanta become strippers.

Btw I'm pretty sure her "party" is to recruit you... or turn you out.

Either way... stay home! lol

Rashan Jamal said...

You still got my number, right? First dance is on me. LOL

LMAO @ the yellow power ranger.

Eb the Celeb said...

I need that secret to losing weight without losing booty... everytime I try to shed a couple pounds that is the first thing that goes... can you ask her for

and she should be used to it by now... if that's her "profession" she has to be able to role with those punches

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

wonder why she objectifies herself for loot
shit, i could still be selling guns (not like i ever did) but it was wrong
guess she a buss it baby too

Southerner in Suomi said...

Ditto@ LA. Send Rashan in your place.

Unknown said...

yay for stripper friends... I got to get a few of those... you're so lucky

the joy said...

jam- i really could have kept going... yes he and i have talked about it.

adei- probably, but she woul just catch an attitude anyway and i definitely dont have time for that.

la- you may be right. but you know im not even down for that.

rashan- yep. oh you should have seen hi, he is one of mt myspace friends which is how i found out that sometimes he is a clearly manly woman.

eb- the secret? get on the pole.

torrence- she's beeb doing it on a small scale for some time now. now its big time.

diz- already taken care of.

canon- yeah, ciz youd want a stripper as a "friend."