Saturday, June 07, 2008

Pharmacy: photo

So. When last I left you I was putting thoughts of my friend's parents out of my head. Today is no better. But first let's talk about cashiering.

I've mentioned before that as a cashier people drive me crazy. They do stupid things like making their own lines and complaining about the price of stuff as if you can do anything about it. Every Sunday morning towards the end of my days there, I would meet the woman who took the prize for the most annoying guest evar.

She'd come in, slowly, as she was McCain-aged. She was a skinny lil woman, old but still blonder than grey, which seemed natural for some reason. She'd get her paper, then go to the pharmacy. Then you'd hear Dr Li over the intercom, "Jeff to the pharmacy, Jeff to the pharmacy." Jeff was the jerky supervisor. He'd smoke EVERY 45 minutes, no matter what. Anyway. Jeff would talk to this woman about whatever insolvable problem she was having in the pharm. When they were done, she'd continue shopping and then come to me. At this point she'd either thank me for having mayfield butter pecan ice cream in the big tubs, or she'd ask me 12 times if I could order some. Then I'd tell her I don't do the order and mayfield brings in what they want essentially, and she'd ask for my manager. "Jeff to the front counter." that would take another few minutes. At some point she would complain about being charged too much tax on her items, and how it was supposed to be 3% and not 5%. Then we'd tell her she needed to call the government about that... This happened EVERY WEEKEND! Every! And I worked Sunday mornings, so she knew noone but me. And I'd have to explain this to her every weekend. I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it.

So yeah, photos. There were rules to the photos. You had to check all the pix for quality and content. We have to make sure there's no illegal activity in the pix, and if there is we have to report it. And trust me, even if you send them off to be developed, that's true. If you go to wolf camera and do the digital thing, its true. Someone you don't know is looking at your pix. Haha! Someone has seen your worst, most incriminating picture! Some people tended to send off their items, rather than having the doll faced 18 year old develop them. I was the only one qualified in the photo area. You couldn't get one hour til I got out of school, lol. It wasn't that it was so hard, but our store was just that raggedy.

So yeah, despite the fact that I never had to develop naked pix, it didn't mean I didn't see them. For one thing, one day there was a mix up from ko.dak and the photos were not in the packs. So that meant I had to kind of try to figure out which went with what. The fact that some of the people came in and got theirs that day made it easy, but at the end of things there were still a few left, and I had to try to figure out where they went. There was one guy who would get slides developed (snore) so his was easy. Then there were some people who I knew from the neighborhood. Cool. Then there was Mr K, who would come get pix done like every week. I remembered cuz he had one of those hard, Polish names with the unneccessary letters. So since I knew what he looked like, I figured I'd look through the photos and see if I could find him. And I found him... And about 15 naked people. Apparently he takes pictures of ORGIES! Is this a weekly thing? At least there's a nice mix of races here... Ew they're all old! The whole roll is naked! Oh my God how am I going to look at this man? Isn't he married? Is his wife one of these fleshy old people? I have not had enough sex to be scarred like this. I may never have sex again. Oh my head. It hurts....

These are the thoughts that went through my head. I was seriously shocked and disgusted about the whole scenario. Despite all that, it wasn't as bad as the OTHER time I saw some naked pictures.

So as the chick with the sweet job at the pharmacy, my friends would come in for the hook up. I think the statute of limitations are up, so I will say that I would ring people up for the cheap stuff and let them get away with the more expensive things. One time my friend, one who tended to brag about his... Gifts... Wanted me to grab his photos. I did so gladly, since he had recently been fired for hitting me with a wiffle bat(it was funny, but the manager didn't see it that way). I also gladly decided to look at them. Glad turned to "oh lord why!" turned out they were pix of him and his naked high school girlfriend! Ahhh! No! Why?! And, it turns out, he was not as "gifted" as he claimed. He could have kept that, lol. If you have been reading my blog long you know that we ended up working together and I eventually told her that I saw her naked. What you don't know is that she was 2 years younger than us and that was illegal. Through no part of my own doing, the police investigated him for statutory rape and I THINK the pix were involved. He didn't get sent to jail though. And you KNOW I told my friends. Some of which were his friends... So it was quite an inside joke, he and his lil homey...

So that's my adventures with my high school job. I had fun there, in addition to the traumas. Maybe that's why I love working around strangers, you never know what to expect. Lol.

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Southerner in Suomi said...

Ok what was with the old lady. Did she have Alzheimer's or know a senator who was lobbying for a senior citizen tax discount?

My first job was as a cashier in 10th grade at this country grocery store by my dad and my co-workers were so fun.

But I think my favorite friend was addicted to porn. Scary.

Jameil said...

wow... that's too much. the old lady tho? HILARITY!! she was gettin on my nerves before i even got to the end of the paragraph!!

Rashan Jamal said...

Wow @ the old lady... and the older orgy having dude.

I'm not discreet enough to have that job. I'd be laughing everytime I saw Mr. K. LOL