Sunday, February 18, 2007


1. Could somebody touch Britney spears for me? I just started reading Perez Hilton two days ago. Looks like I jumped in at the right time. This heffa cut all her hair off! Please somebody hug her.

2. I been using the term heffa a lot. I called a group of cheerleaders heffas the other night. Yes little kids, but when you do a hand stand 3 feet away from a glass panel door... Well at least I didn't call her one to her face.

3. My mp3 player should be here tomorrow! I so excited! I got a Phillips 30GB hard drive player. Whoo! 16000 songs! I also bought 2 plastic covers for my pearl. I can't have it all scratched and ugly like my last phone.

4. We got some new employees at work! One is 2 months pregnant, and having evening sickness- she literally stopped me in the middle of my sentence to go throw up; one used to go to school with kesi; and one is B's ex, and an ex of someone I used to go to school with who took naked pictures of her and asked me to develop them before I knew what they were. Imagine my surprise when I did my quality check. And he was in some too. Oh lord Jesus the memories! I wish for brain bleach.

5. I have to go to a sleep doctor tomorrow. This is really getting old you guys. All I want is for them to take out my tonsils but now I have to be diagnosed with apnea for them to do it. Grr. If only I had gotten this done in high school...
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Madam DLBG said...

Apnea...that seem sto be becoming more popular. My family believes I have it, but whatever. I trying to do my thesis on Sleep Apnea and how it relates to athlete's, but it'll probably be too much research :-(

Maybe you should look up memory eraser doctors to help?

Jameil said...

i had tonsilitis 3 yrs straight. if i'd gotten it this year, i was going to refuse anitbiotics and DEMAND they take them hoes plum the hell out.

may i say. "I wish for brain bleach." is the phrase of the month!!!!!! huh-freakin-larious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

poor brit. but i'm really sick of people thinking she's suicidal b/c she cut her hair. uhhh.... its hair. she didn't slit her wrists. ain't that right shani and la? HAHAHAHAHAHA! did you know before the coworker that morning sickness lasts all day? i was like well why fresh FCUK do they call it that?!?!?! pist me off!

the joy said...

Apnea is pretty common, actually. Its believed that people why choke on their vomit in their sleep have it. And those that snore have a mild form. I have to go sleep in a lab with stuff attached to me. Boo.

Have you ever seen eternal sunshine madam? They have a memory eraser program. If only...

Yeah I don't like the term morning sickness either. This chick at my job caught it at like 6PM. We didn't even know she's pregnant.

Yeah poor brit. don't think she's suicidal. drastic or under the influence?

La said...

Poor brit. I wanna hug her. And kick some people's asses for her. I don't think she's suicidal. But she's freakin' crazy. That's for sure, lol.

I call them baby prostitues. I like it better, lol

La said...

Hee hee brain bleach

the joy said...

Baby prostitutes? This is from a former cheerleader ladies and, well, ladies.