Monday, June 09, 2008


Today is my grandmother's birthday! She's 80. How cool is that? I talked to her earlier while she was eating lunch and she told me she wasn't in the mood for cake. That's fine. I'll have a cookie in your honor. I lived with her for a few years when I was younger, so I know she doesn't like to be fussed over. This task can be a hard one, considering that you have so many offspring, and especially so when you turn 80. We had a surprise party for her 75th and she smacked my cousin (lightly) for not ruining the surprise. I have a great pic of her and Kesi and she's giving him this look. A look that says, "you may be new here, but you should know I don't like surprises!" ever since then she's been trying to steal him from me, lol. of course she had fun. Sat at the head of the table, and when it was time to cut the cake she prayed and thanked God for the (big) room full of people that loved her. You couldn't help but get a lil emotional over that. I miss her. Hopefully I'll get to see her soon.

In conclusion, I just found out I can mail pix to my blog, so I'll leave you with one. The oldest and, as of right now, youngest members of my family.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Adei von K said...

nice!!! i love the juxtaposition of the ages!

Stephen R. said...

Happy birthday to your grandmother!! How wonderful!

Rashan Jamal said...

That's hot. I love hanging with the elders...

LOL @ her stealing your man.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

happy bday granny

the joy said...

Thanks guys! I'll try to find a way to relay your well wishes without letting her know you are internet strangers who know what she looks like, as she hates getting her pic taken.

Jameil said...

aw!! grandmas and babies always make the most adorable mix!! happy bday grandma!!