Saturday, May 24, 2008

Make me wanna holler

So what's been going on in joy-land? Sleep! You guys, this is hard! I get off at 10ish, which is nice, but I still usually have to wait for Kesi or his bros to get off before I can go home. Which puts me in the house at about 1or 2ish some nights. You should have seen how excited I was to get home at 1230 the other night! That like never happens! And I have to go in at 2, so I have to leave the house at 1230PM, which gives me a good ammt of sleep if I don't have anything to do the night before or that morning. Which I usually do... But this week, with my trying to recover from what is now just phlegm and a hoarse voice, I've been going to sleep as soon as I can get out of my uniform. Its not like I have the most difficult job, but being unable to go straight home is draining.
Speaking of my job, its going well. I'm finding it funny/ cathartic/ annoying that people ask me why I swithched over. It all depends on who and how they ask. Some people wanna be complete retards and say "aren't you supposed to be over there? Why would you switch? Wasn't it easier over there?" firstly, no, it wasn't. "over there", there was 3 people on night shift. Over here? 6. There's more of a even distribution of tasks, and people actually wanna work as a team because they LIKE each other, so... And if you ever paid attention to me while I was over there, you would have blatantly seen how unhappy I was. For months. So fuck off. Thanks.

Other than that annoyance, its fun. Its been pretty slow, so we've been kinda getting into interesting convos, like how one of the girls we work with has a made up boyfriend, and how my supervisor locks her keys in her office about once or twice a month. Which is a lot. Especially when anyone else with a key is at home and not coming back til the AM. And how someone I work with (I won't say who, but if you see her you'd know who) has the nickname "huffy" because she has some serious love handles. I was walking behind her one day and just-a-staring at them! And she turned around and I think she thinks I was staring at her butt. Then the other day I was telling a story and someone said, is this another story about "your boyfriend"? So I'm trying to make an effort to use his name. The problem with that is that I don't call him by his first name. I call him Kesi. But people who don't know him wouldn't call him that (he and his dad have the same name so his fam calls him Kesi to differentiate). And you know he's still considering changing his name...

I have 4 days off this week. We're so slow in the hotel! Luckily I have paid time off, so I'll still have 40 hrs, plus the holiday, which I'm working but I don't mind. Even though its pride weekend and I really wanted to go hang out with the beautiful people, lol. I just saw a girl with every rainbow ever on. I'm talking head to toe, and had the nerve to have on some damn black jeans. Its burning hot down here maam! Highs in the 80s and you know you're about to be running around outside.

Moving on... Have you ever been asked a question it was not your place to answer? This happened to me the other night. It wasn't like the person was trying to be rude or nosy, the conversation just led to it. And whereas I know the answer, it wasn't a question I felt like answering. Its hard to explain, and as hard as it is to explain, imagine how hard it was for me to dance around the answer to the question. Lol. I'm a rather honest person, and I would answer anything a person asks about me ("none of your business" is an honest answer) but this wasn't about me. So...

This girl on the train has on these banging big-lens shades. I am so coveting. Coveting like a mug! Lmao.

Breezy and another coworker are both in Miami right now and won't be back til Monday. They booked their trips separately but are gonna meet up and go clubbing while they're down there. I was hating so hard!!! "how you gonna go to Miami a clear MONTH after me? Booo! Go have fun on the beach without me..." I gotta sit at work bored, because not only are they gone, but Walter Lee is on a leave of absence until Monday, so I'm stuck with the chick that lies about her invisible boyfriend! Lol. Getting a tan and ish...

And finally... My supervisor listens primarily to country music. She did not readily recognize Marvin Gaye's "what's goin on" when it came on the store's radio. I just don't know what to do with this.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jameil said...

but marvin gaye tho? of all the songs, too. no excuse. you should take her out in the back and put her out of her misery. or deprogram her in what was that? i'm gonna get you sucka? one of them blaxploitation movies. nothin but black music. gross @ phlegm. keep it to thineself!! glad you have a new job you like! the haters can kick rocks!! miami i love you! i need to get my blue black on!

Rashan Jamal said...

lol @ the made up boyfriend... does he live down by her grandma's house and go to another school. That's how people used to lie in high school.

I'm a need you not to call people huffy. You cracking me up.

My manager at work has never seen Good Times. Not as bad as not hearing Marvin, but bad nonetheless.

the joy said...

Jam- right? She shocked the mess out of me with that. If you think hearing about the phlegm is bad, I'm living it. Its better though. I sound like me again but I can't sing any Maxwell songs yet.

Rashan- apparently she is talking to the dude and he's not her boyfriend yet because he doesn't buy her things. Why didn't she just say that? I can relate to that... Tell her to buy pants that settle on her love handles rather than accentuate them by squeezing underneath... Aint nothin wrong with a pair of pants that's a lil too big... Its good for the soul. Never seen good times? I've at least seen a few episodes. I can identify characters... My brother has waited on the sister. She still looks the same, which is pretty cool.