Thursday, May 15, 2008

bomb diggy bomb a dang a dang

I love this girl! Its strange that she didn't maintain her popularity in America that she gained way back in 97 (I have the cassette single of "show me love" somewhere in my house... Remember cassettes? Remember singles, lol?) anyway, cobrastyle is a cover of a song you've probably heard in commercials, I know I have. But I loves it and I loves her. And her little self singing "10 for you, who wants the other dozen" is ironic, and speaks to the lil gangster in me.

Can someone explain to me why she still looks EXACTLY the same as she did 11 years ago? If memory serves, she was 16 when she first came out, but who do you know that has the same platinum blonde razor cut they had a decade ago? Hmm. She exists in a sexy vacuum.


GreatWhyte said...

Okay umm... who is this again?

the joy said...

my bad, its Robyn.

Jameil said...

you have such a special taste in music. sexy vacuum? lmao!