Monday, April 14, 2008

Loser week hits hard.

So I'm back in the A and its cold. What the eff? Also kesi's grandma had a stroke and is brain dead.... So he's leaving. He won't be back til Thursday.

I had a great time in Miami and could totally see myself going back. Didn't get to meet up with stace cuz I got barfy (I feel the need to express that I was not drunk). I miss Lauren and I've gotta go to work tomorrow. Bah. Real post coming soon, but I won't be putting up pix til Kesi gets back. If you want they're on my facebook pg or I can email you some, lol.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


GreatWhyte said...

YAY!! You know I have been stalking your Facebook page for pictures, right?
I am sorry to hear about Kesi's grandmother- prayers to his family.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i have not left and im like WTF, will it snow next? welcome back, bring vyou folk some sun next time and hope uu can make my book release party at the Mbar on april 24 from 7 to 10

Rashan Jamal said...

Sorry to hear about kesi grandma...

barfy, but not drunk? Can't wait to hear that story. LOL

who? said...

glad you had a fun time in Miami... boo cold weather... boo work... but yay money, so I guess yay work...stay up!

who? said...

oh... loving the fact that it's like 70 every day in philly now!

Jazzy said...

Damn...sorry to hear about Kesi's grandmother.

I must be the only person on blogger without a facebook page. Guess I'll try to be patient and wait until you post 'em! lol

Glad you had fun!

La said...

*sigh* :-(

you do realize of course you aren't allowed to post any pics of me, yes? lol

Adei von K said...

awww. i hope grandma pulls thru. that's an extra hard loser week.

the joy said...

All: thanks for the possitive wishes... Kesi's grandma Pat died Tuesday night. He appreciates your love.

X-lol I knew some would so I tried to put them up as quick as possible.

Torrance- I'll try my best!

Rashan- I'd only it were more interesting than food poisoning.

Canon- its starting to warm up, so yay. And the only thing poppin at my job is the paycheck these days.

Diva- you might be. Do it!

La- so you keep telling me...

Stace- extra hard.

Jameil said...

hug for kesi. cold weather sux.