Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why does security have it out for me?

Don't try to convince me otherwise...

Scene: Wednesday, 2250 hours, my job. I'm behind the register and a security guard walks in. Not the one I had beef with, but another. Btw this one has a thick African accent, if you wanna go ahead and imagine everything he says properly, which adds to the effect. (no I'm not sure where in Africa. When he first started working there, his name tag said "Africa" and when I asked him where in Africa he said "just Africa." ok dude. You're not even near the first African I've come in contact with, and I'm not slow.)

Him: I need some water. I'll come back to pay for it.

Me: ok, as long as you come back in 10 minutes, cuz we're closing.

Him: ok

A few moments later, he brings an armload of water to the counter.

Him: I need a bag. Those people were stuck in the elevator.

Me: all those people? *its like 20 people standing in the elevator bay. Why would you get your dumb ass in an elevator 20 deep, WITH BABIES? Plural.* are you going to charge to the dept?

Him: no. I am going to bring the water back.

Me: why would you bring the water back if they need it? *at this point I'm so lost.*

Him, yelling: I NEED TO SAVE LIVES!!!

Me, looking at him like he's insane: what? If they need the water why would you bring it back? That makes no sense.

Him: I don't want to charge department. I'll bring it back.

Me: ok, well you better bring it back before 11 cuz if you don't I don't know what to tell you.

End first scene.

Um, what the hell just happened? Are you taking your job to seriously? Why are you yelling at me like I just stole your ambulance and you got a gunshot victim waiting? You're bringing them water, which yeah, they need, but no one is dying from some "I was stuck with 19 of my closest friends in an elevator for like 5 minutes"-itis. And if they were, water aint helping.

Scene 2. We close, and he shows up 10 minutes after that with NO WATER. Why are you here? I'm trying to close up and go home.

Him: Joy, when you try to save lives... There were BABIES IN THERE! Those people tried to kill me! They attacked me for the water!

Me: uh huh...

5 minutes later after he has been standing there doing nothing but flap his gums as I work around his big ass...

Me: so, where is this water coming from?

Him: room service.

Me: When are you going to get it?

Him: now.

Me: ok good, cuz I'm done and I'm leaving.

Him: do you work tomorrow?

Me: Yes.

Him: ok, I bring tomorrow.

End scene 2

Again, I say what the hell? Why exactly did you come in after closing just to stand there? If there's one thing I can't stand at work its someone doing nothing, yet standing around in the store. Why are you here? Weren't you supposed to go get water? I mean, honestly its not my water and I could care less where you get it from or even if you bother to replace it, but don't come around like the hero and expect a cookie from me. Oh, did I mention I didn't let him in? The other girl I was working with did. I would have been talking to him through the lil crack in the door. Cuz letting him in accomplished one thing: it got on my nerves.

So there are about 7 people on the night security shift. At the rate I'm going, they'll all have beef with me by, oh say, June? Maybe July.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Rashan Jamal said...


So crazy. Joy and her security beef!

Jameil said...

i was gonna go w/may... but whatever. semantics.

just Africa????? who says this?!?! also dying at "I NEED TO SAVE LIVES!!!" HILARITY!!! dog... you do hotel security... not to be a jerk but if there are lives that need to be saved, your best bet is to call 911 b/c you're not qualified. for that matter neither am i so don't call me!

lmao @ you and ambulance/gunshot wounds!!! killin me!!!

Southerner in Suomi said...

I know one thing, if "just Africa" had yelled at me, I woulda told him to call somebody to save HIM if he raises his damn voice again.

Adei von K said...

see, that's why there's a disconnect with africans and blacks.

'just Africa'? Really? He assumed you wouldn't know where he's from.

Africans are extra.

yeah i said it, cause i can.

who was he yelling at??? see, naw.

Anonymous said...

haha that whole situation was hilarious. "just Africa"? reminds me when I tell people what country I'm from and then they turn around and tell their friend "hey she's from Asia, not china."

hahaha, save lives....

Jazzy said...

Wha tis dees?! Dude is extra!

He's a security guard though...they are ALWAYS extra for no damn reason. Most probably failed police academy, so this is the next best thing!

I'm still not following how they're going to drink the water and he's going to bring it back though.

La said...


"I need to save lives!!!""

LOL!!! That's gonna be my answer to everything for the rest of the day

the joy said...

Rashan- you should have heard his crazy behind! Yellin at me...

Jam- may is also very feesible. Buy a few of them are actually friends, so they'll be a challenge, lol. Looking back the whole thing is funny, but at the time I was heated.

Vdizzle- believe if he would have yelled at me again I would have closed the store early and maybe scared the people who were already in the room.

Stace- yeah they seem really shocked that I know about Africa. It makes me wonder about my fellow black Americans. But I mean there are so many Africans in the hotel, in ATLANTA... You're not special dude.

Remy- lol reminds me of that episode of king of the hill. "are you Chinese or Japanese?" granted you're the first cambodian I knew, but we met when I was 14, so... Let's not deal with dumb adults.

Diva- honestly I'm not even sure he's a citizen yet. So maybe he is trying to work security til he can be a cop?

That reminds me, someone asked me if zamunda was a real place. Sigh.

La- I think you should tell people that for real. Its like "get off my back!" lol you should have heard him!

who? said...

What was he saving them from? was someone dying? word, he probably stole them jawns... tucked em in his dufflebag and stashed it... wtf? I would have been more confused than pissed though

GreatWhyte said...

Ol extra ass Africans.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

sounds like u made the follow black folk around list