Friday, March 28, 2008

I need....

*to not enjoy shawty lo so much.

*that guy who was obsessed with mariah Carey to not still be obsessed with her today, to the point where his facebook status reflects whatever goes on in HER life rather than his own.

*for the math to be right on TI's community service. 1000 hours? That comes to a little less than 9 hours a day, every day. And he's supposed to speak to at risk youth, while on house arrest. Which means he can't go around the nation doing this. I'm sorry, but there isn't that much at risk youth in Atlanta that you need to be with them for 9 hours for the next 365 days... Wow.

*a day off. Its Friday, day 6 of 9. Luckily I've worked 6 days this week so I have about 8 hours of overtime. And I only work 4 days next week, and am using my paid time off to make sure I have 40 hrs worth of paycheck before Miami.

*for time to go quick so I can BE in Miami.

*TO SAVE LIVES!! (apparently everyone I told this story is yelling that.

*to tell you about the drama at work. Unfortunately I can't until everything is settled, cuz I might get something out of this drama.

*a new, possibly yellow sundress.

*for people to not just decide that things are racist. What's so bad about lebron James's vouge cover, besides the fact he looks dumb. That's what I thought when I saw it: why is his mouth open? And the fact that the "Barbie bandits got 2 years or less, when the masterminds of the thing got 5 and 25 years. First of all, the girls cooperated. The dudes didn't wanna chime in. Maybe they should have, especially once the girls did. And this is a FEDERAL case! You let two chicks say, oh he coerced us into robbing the bank he worked at, and you say nothing and go to trial and are found guilty? Oh you're getting time. It has less to do with race and more to do withy the fact that you're stupid.

*not to hear a person referred to as a "dirty bitch" and get NO objections. I mean, she is a dirty bitch, but will no one stand up for her?! Lol.

*for my phone not to have a pollen layer as I type this from the bus stop.

*to admit that I kinda like Jay Z these days. Just a lil bit. A smidge. But that doesn't excuse the past few years, Shawn!

*new bras. Sigh...

*a pint of bluebell cookie dough icecream. Which they do not sell at Kroger. Damn it.

*for the Dream to just keep WRITING songs, and for The Cynic not to be completely right in saying he looks like a Teddy graham.

*for this dude staying in the hotel not to look just like my friend's nutty ex husband. I was scared when he walked in cuz he's a big dude and I thought he was looking for her.

*for this chick to take off those gold lamee stirrups. Wow.

*for the dude in the thermal not to be yelling into his phone about how hot it is. Just, shh dude. Shh.

*something to write about. Well I'm going to a braves game Thursday and lunch with an old friend Tuesday, so if something interesting happens before that, we'll be set! Until then enjoy this post.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


So...Wise...Sista said...


Rashan Jamal said...

Why is any man obsessed with Mariah Carey?

TI and his redemption. I wonder what the new album will sound like.

The Lebron thing? I get no racist vibe from it. Barbie Bandits.. I do. Let me rob a bank no matter how much I cooperate, I'm still gonna do time.

LMAO @ Teddy Graham...

I don't know for having nothing to post about, seems you did a pretty good job to me.

Jameil said...

son. tell me you saw lebron james a solid gold dancer when he was on snl. by FAR the best thing he's ever done. gold lame onsie & jheri curl mullet & all. i need you not to enjoy shawty lo so much, too. i say everyone involved goes to jail for the same amount of time. mastermind. riiiight. 'he made me do it.' that makes you dumber. to me dumber gets more time. you did not say "she is... but will no one stand up for her?!" IG!


the joy said...

Wise- but they were! Why?!

Rashan- I don't know. I seen enough law and order to know if you take it to trial its asking for it. I'm sure he asked white women to do it for him figuring they'd get off easier, but all that did was make it so no one had his back. A black chick might not have rolled so easily.

Jam- I think I did see that, lol it was a while back, right? We can't just send dumb people to jail... If only. And if anything I think they probably got less time because they were women. We have that way about us. But they were strippers. They knew how to get money, lol.

GreatWhyte said...

I neeeeeeeeed for there to be no gold lame stirrups left in this world (or the next).
That is all.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u good with shawty lo, him Mook B, born and fabo my folk we go way back. and im having a blook release praty at my boys spot on pettters street (the m-bar) would u come if i invited u

La said...

I have said "I am trying to save lives!!!" NO LESS than 5,927 times since you posted about it.

Are we in Miami yet? *pouting*

the joy said...

X- they're an unnecessary but prevalent part of our society. She thought she was too jazzy.

Torrance- I remember you writing about him a minute ago. I make no promises, lol. My schedule is packed until Miami.

La- you? I have been hearing /saying it all week.