Monday, February 11, 2008

best night ever

For Amy, I mean. My night was good too, but that's the next post. This was my favorite part of the Grammys, hands down. I was so in this moment. I kept saying, "say something!!!" her reaction was priceless. She had just performed the most ironic rendition of rehab EVER, a fact that was in no way lost on her given the look on her face as she sung the first chorus. Let me just say, this is the best positive reenforcement for her.


Jameil said...

awww! i loved that reaction, too. i was not a fan of her singing rehab. i know it was nominated and all but still.

La said...

Aww her reaction made me kinda wanna tear up a bit. It was genuine. Nice after seeing years of rehearsed and well put together reactions **cough** beyonce **cough**.

But uh, did she thank "Ray Ray"? Amy is a nigga, lol

Ms.Lady said...

I rooted for her!!!

I hope THIS will wake her up and she realizes what an amazing career she can have.

She is too talented to let her personal life eat at her.

Loves Amy!!

She didnt seem a bit "high" or drunk last nite..bout damn time!!

the joy said...

Jam-i know what you mean... I was wondering if her counselors were frowning upon this.

La- but you know beyonce is like "me. Again, You shouldn't have..." she can't even feign surprise.

the joy said...
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the joy said...

Ms lady- Well she's in rehab and is past the point of withdrawl, so she's starting to look human again. That's why I was pretty mad at Natalie cole who talked ish about naras giving her all the awards as if they were enabling Amy. She clearly knows nothing of what she speaks and should shut up.

shani-o said...

I'm so happy for her! I just need her to really get it together....

LMAO @ Beyonce being all "oh, you shouldn't have..."

GreatWhyte said...

I don't know what Ms. Lady was watching but Amy looked like the POSTERCHILD for high! She was all twitchin and starin off into space.. SO high.. But it makes me sad because I love her music so much and underneath all that foolishness, she really is gorgeous. And Natalie Cole should know if no one else does... she was one of the ORIGINAL crackies!! Well, heroin, but still...