Thursday, February 07, 2008

Back to reality.

...but only for a lil while.

I'm going back to work after having Tues and Wed off. Only for 2 days though, because then I have Saturday- Monday off for Kesi's and my romantic getaway (to the hotel a few miles away from the house). Shoot, I'm all about the in town vacation. I'm considering turning my phone off after Saturday night.

I'm having a lil dinner Saturday at a restaurant near the hotel. I've never been there but Kesi has and its casual enough to have a few drinks with my friends, some of whom I haven't seen since high school. And I can get a teensy bit lit since the hotel is right next door. But trust that I know my limits. Last Saturday mo and I went out and she kept trying to ply me with pre-birthday drinks. I said no after 2, she kept drinking. Guess who threw up before we made it out the parking lot? Not me kiddies!!! We both had to work the next day, and we both made it, but she was a tad wobbly.

Monday I bought my birthday gift to myself. "the American pin up." its a coffee table book dealing with the artists behind the genre. All paintings, no photos. Some were sketches though. Mo decided she was gonna take my idea of papering her walls with prints of pinups. Damn it, first the playboy club, now her? Boo! She also talked about recreating some of the shots, if she could find a good photographer. We both conceded that we needed to tighten up the abs first. The girls in the photos are notoriously curvy, especially for white women, so our current shapes are perfect, lol.

I can't really explain my love of the genre... I think the women were innocent but sexy. And these are HAND PAINTED! Someone took the time to do this! Its so much more than a snapshot of some chick with her legs open. Most of them are covered but they're more alluring than maxim or the like.

Today's gift? Dunkin freakin donuts!! Yeah! I think I'll have a lemon filled. Kesi wants a glazed. I'm glad he doesn't like the kk. Blah. Too sugary. My aunt worked at dd when I was a kid, and some of my favorite childhood pictures was me and my cousin grubbing on them, face all powdered and cheeks puffed. Ah memories.

And I did some pilates today! I feel good and I'm working my abs and back. I could get with it almost every day.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


So...Wise...Sista said...

Wait...when's your bday?

(You buy yourself bday gifts too!! lol)

Jameil said...

kk is looooooove!! remember that! don't eva forget it!! don't consider. turn off that phone!

La said...

Krispy Kreme was god's symbol to us that he would never again send rain to destroy the earth.

Oh wait. That was a rainbow?

Whatever. Krispy Kreme rules.

yay bday!!! and you SO better turn that damn phone off. We can wait.

shani-o said...

I agree with Lauren, turn the phone off! And have fun! *wink wink*

the joy said...

Wise- its Tuesday. I'll be 24! Yay! And yes I buy myself things because despite my thinking otherwise, I'm apparently hard to buy for.

Jam- the kreme will turn me into a 5 year old with that sugar rush. Btw the lady at dd gave me an extra lemon filled! Love her! In lieu of eating it myself, I paid it forward to a friend.

La- no actually that's french fries.

Shani- this is to all of you actually: ok! The phone is off. I am cut off.