Friday, February 08, 2008

Political question of the day

So, my evil manager and I were watching Anderson Cutie 360, and she made some comment about romney forfeiting his delegates. I told her I didn't even know you could do that. My understanding is that his delegates would go to the convention and vote for someone else of their choosing.

So... Which one is it people? Help, I need to know, because earlier I had used the term "floating delegates" when speaking of John Edwards's 26 (I think that's how many he had).

I say Romney and Edwards's delegates go to the convention and do what they wanna. In a way they become super delegates, with no allegiance (my logic comes from CNN, which states that delegates can change their minds if they were so compelled.)

But she said that once you endorse a candidate, like guiliani did, that candidate gets your delegates.

And what about Florida? Are they still sending "floating delegates" to the DNC?

Why is the electoral process so fucking confusing?

*And let me add this totally off topic piece of info: kanye. What the eff. Why is your concert at the gwinett civic ctr? I'm so pissed at you! That's not even near me! Its like 40 miles away! What was wrong with downtown atl? Huh? Do you not remember how pissed I was when you did "on the bricks" and we didn't get there early enough for me to get a spot close enough to SEE you? Remember that? And who is enough of a fan in my circle to go all the way out there. You know our transmission is bad! I'm over it. *

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jameil said...

its different for each party but usually they become floating delegates and can vote for whoever. the electoral college and super delegates is b.s. it makes no sense. HOW IS THIS DEMOCRACY!?!? IT'S DEMOCRAZY!! and no, they do not have rights to just give their delegates to whoever they want. florida will probably try to send delegates but i don't think they'll be counted.

La said...

we should find you another job if for no other reason than you need a car, lol

Don said...

Obama 'o8

the joy said...

Jam- thanks, I knew you'd know. You watch as much CNN as I do, plus other stations.

La- sigh. But I'm way to used to the passenger seat.

Don- damn skippy!