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I haven't done this in a while but the questions were really good this week, so I decided to participate.
1. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
I'd have to say... The fresh prince house. Come on that thing is huge! And there was a pool house? Which implies there's a pool... Come on!
2. If you had a clone, what would you make it do so you could have free time?
This one's easy: work. Clones are probably very efficient. So the clone can go to my job, and I can stay home and crochet and finish school and watch soaps.
3. Who was your best friend when you were 8? When you were 13?
When I was 8, it was a girl named Anne Hennessey. We would read "lil house in the big woods" together and play touch football with the boys. For probably the smallest girls in the class, we were two lil toughies.
When I was 13 it was Lauren. She was fairly new and so was I, and we'd hang out after school at my house because I lived the closest. Sometimes we'd stay after school and run the halls and hang out in her future stepdad's class (he never seemed tired of us) when she wasn't in cheerleading practice.
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be & why?
I'd go to Cape Verde. At first my answer was CT, but I figure I'll branch out. I really want to see this place. My aunt nanie went in the 80s and she has such beautiful pix! I mean, its like Rome, how there's all these old buildings and ruins and villiage people, ugh, gorgeous.
5. Would you hate loosing your sight or hearing most?
I'd hate losing my sight more. If I lost my hearing I just wouldn't be able to hear music, which I'd miss, but I remember a scene from "Mr Holland's Opus," when his deaf son was sitting on the speakers so he could feel the music. Plus my godbrother is deaf and I grew up with that as kind of the norm.
If I lost my sight, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere alone, I couldn't watch tv, I couldn't write or crochet. Of course there's braille, but honestly I think I'm too impatient to learn braille. My uncle is partially blind and I don't think he bothers with it either. And there's always something new to see. I want to travel the world, and what's the point if I can't see, right?
Bonus (as in optional): Nature or nurture?
Both! I believe there are some things that are born with you, but the way you're raised brings you to act on it or not. I don't think they're either/or. Its like evolution v creation. I believe in both. Not to say I believe I evolved from monkeys, cuz I don't, but just because I didn't come from a monkey doesn't mean dogs didn't evolve from wolves. Feel me? So back to the point: I watched an episode of law and order SVU where this boy was a child of rape and was also a rapist. Was it because his father was a rapist? No, it was actually because his family alienated him and treated him like a "devil child." so despite the fact that it should have been nature, it was actually nurture. Then you got people who grew up well and still end up crazy (Britney, I'm looking at you!)
girl if i couldn't read?!?! wow. i would be beyond frustrated. NO ONE would want to be around me. i looove reading.
Cape Verde is in my planned trip for my kids,K.D and I.
I want to go soo badly!!
Auntie was teaching me some of the language when i lived with her..its similar to spanish..she told me its called creol though.
i love the SVU ref!
i'm not sure which sense i could bear to lose! feeling the bass certainly does make a difference... i couldn't stand not being able to see my students and eventually, my children. loss of hearing it is!
Jam- I know right? That's why hearing had to go, no matter how much I love music.
Ms lady- yes. Must go while we can. I'd love to take Kesi but he's insisting on a boat, and I don't do boats.
Stace- knew you'd appreciate that. That episode was so good!! And I love bd Wong. He always plays a know it all though. You have to watch Oz.
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