Saturday, October 13, 2007

I just read sista toldja's most recent blog. Sigh. I agree, but I disagree. And I still can't comment from my phone, despite an upgrade.

In high school, I was not really popular, despite the fact that people knew me. Why did they know me? I was "the girl that dated the white guy." lol or the one that hung around white people. Even though that wasn't totally the case. I actually hung with 3 black people, 4white people, a cambodian, a few Mexicans, and a guy of mixed race. That was the "core" of our group, so... Not only that, but I was quite a dater in high school. I never didn't have a boyfriend. Could I have possibly been the only one who dated someone out of my race in the history of East Point? Doubt it.

Can I just say, my dating the notorious ex had NOTHING to do with an aversion to my fellow black male, and his had nothing to do with his aversion to white chicks. We were very close friends and things progressed from there. I don't believe that our compatibility was increased or decreased because of our race. I like dating people of the same mind, yet who are from different backgrounds as me. Kesi and I are from different backgrounds, even though we are both black. He is southern and that makes a big difference in our thinking and the way we were raised. But I digress.

I think if a person closes up their mind to possibilities they may be missing out on learning something. I don't know what kind of people of other races and cultures that some people come in contact with, but I very rarely look at one person's faults, or even graces, as an extension of said race or culture. I am not just talking about refusing to date outside your race, but refusing to associate with them too. You learn a lot about yourself when you step outside of what you know.

I feel like a lot of what she said about interracial dating negated all the things that the people in those relationships are experiencing. My mother's side of the family is such an amalgamation of different cultures from its inception. I love that about me. And that, the love and bravery to see something in someone who is nothing like you, its in me.

Furthermore, I'm not so concerned with who YOU date. Do you! I'm gonna love who I love. Its plenty of people who date ugly people... Maybe we should get on that, lol. I don't think the success of the relationship has to do with what the person looks like. If you don't love yourself you can date as many black people as you want and you'll never be successful.

I'm just rambling here. That really got to me on so many levels. A real post will be coming soon. Holla.
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