Friday, August 10, 2007

How I wish that it would raaaain...

1. Ugh the heat! If you didn't hear me say it before this place is a desert. There's no rain and its getting hotter and hotter. 102 today. The map is purple. People keep asking me, can I walk to the aquarium? Sure, but its 8 million degrees and you have 2 toddlers with you... Not a good look sis. Its only 5 blocks but in the interest of air conditioning, take a cab.

2. That reminds me, I'm totally gonna steal X's idea and make a list of all the dumb shit people ask me as a gift shop proprietor.

3. Oh my gosh, the hotel we're going to has 2 pools. I'm getting in whichever has less kids in it. Kids don't help moistirize my situation. Its a romantic night and they will not ruin it! Kesi won't get in the hot tub with me. He doesn't know what he's missing.

4. My friend is having a housewarming, and his girlfriend mailed me an invite. Why was the date/time not on it? Yeah... I was like, is the party now, did I miss it? Did they just want me to stop by any time? I called and its actually Monday, but seeing as how I don't think I'm the only person she did that with, I'm sure the purpose was defeated because we all ended up calling, right?

5. I look so tacky right now. And its too hot to care. I have on a gray tee, light blue shorts, black work socks and white sneakers. And I am not proud, but this combination insures that I am legally dressed and comfortable. And the black grandpa socks are for work. My friggin shoe broke at work! See, that's why I don't wear brown shoes. That's just damn why.

6. Jameil, I'm witcha girl. 2 years ago I had to get all my wisdoms taken out. My mouth is too small for all my teeth! Can you believe that ish? Anywho, I got gassed instead of shots and ate soft foods for a week. I lost like 5 lbs on this pseudo diet. And the vicodin made me barfy. I'm such a light weight.

7. My friend asked me to get this dude's number for her (we were driving and she couldn't get out) and why was I nervous like I had a crush on him? I never had to ask a dude for his number, never gave a guy mine, never had one buy me drinks (my friend says she doesn't buy drinks for herself). And if I did I wouldn't know if it was right to take it cuz I don't like to give a guy an indication that I think he's getting somewhere with me, but I loves me some free. That's why I usually go to the club with a guy so I can just be like, I'm with him, and if I have a clinger my friend can just grab me like he's my man. Anyways, I guess I missed a lot by committing to my high school sweetheart. But I wouldn't trade it cuz I'm set! No foolin around for me! Lol chick who I got the number for is getting a divorce. Ish happens, ya know? Dudes today are shady.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


justmeReka said...

For some reason I think I'd trade your heat for this fake ass summer we are having. booooooo


Jameil said...

102 is disgusting. PUHLEASE steal x's idea!! i love foolish customer stories!! lmao @ "kids don't help moisturize my situation"!! you are insane! mad at the housewarming. and the point of that was??????? not a week! i need to be able to eat on my bday and w/mommy here!!!! lmao @ you shook askin dude for his number!! i'm SUPER bold when the dude has nothing to do with me. and pretty bold anyway. very few guys have me shaky.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...