Saturday, August 04, 2007

Better days.

I just got David Blaine'd. This clown just put me in his magic trick on the train. I'll spare you the details but it was so neat. I'm a magic-y kinda girl so I feel like I'm on TV. The whole train was watching. Speaking of, there's this show on sci fi called "mind control with derren brown" and he is insanity. Watch it!

Anyways, yeah so the funeral was yesterday and we all got to say goodbye. And I got to erase the images of my friends crying and mourning that I had in my head and finally see that they are getting back to normal. Breezy and I have this thing, where we hug every time we see each other. It harks back to a time where I told him I'm the best hugger ever and that whatever was wrong it would help. Never was it more true, and to hug yesterday after not even seeing him for a week made us both feel more like ourselves. His girl too. I've never been able to define the friendship between she and I, but I know we mean more to each other than "that girl at the job."

Our trip is cancelled. But we're making plans. Its all good. Kesi and I are gonna have a night away at a hotel (that big discount shawty!) and relax. The lake woulda been nice but despite the receding water levels, its not going anywhere.

My mom has a job! Oh sweet release! She was calling staffing services for temp work and one of them actually hired her to work for them instead. Good look! Lol ya girl was broke. And our yard was piteous. So now we can get that done... Lol and maybe I can leave the state. I haven't gone anywhere in a year. That's not the best. I've been tense.

The pastor said something great at the funeral. Dark has nothing to do with time. We are at a dark period in our lives but all that means is that the light is coming. He talked about the man born blind and the deciples asked whose sin made him blind, the man or his parents, and Jesus said, it was neither, this man was born blind as a testament to what I can do. (I'm paraphrasing here.) if you know the story, Jesus healed the man and literally brought light to him. It was really deep. I hadn't hung on to a pastor's words like that in a long time. And its true. We may be in a dark place but soon we too will "see men as trees*."

... Barack obama is around here somewhere. Keeping my eyes open...

* when I was little I used to think that he was looking at men in trees. Lol.
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