Friday, June 15, 2007

Shani's questions

1. What is the best thing you ever knitted?

Firstly, I crochet. Its a series of chains connected using one hooked needle. Knitting uses two needles and I have no idea how to do it.

But that's not the point huh? The best thing I ever crocheted was kesi's gigantic blanket. We were together for maybe a year-ish when I started and it took me months to finish. I hadn't made anything in years and decided to go for it cuz I was consistently wanting to show him my domestic side (after grad I made him an m&m cake with an A on top). The patern is pretty simple but very him. And I had to carry it in the heat to the laundrymat to wash it cuz it was too but for our wash, then to his house by bus/train. It was worth the effort though and in the winter we sleep under it and wake up sweating cuz its overly cozy.

Everything I make has love in it. I've only made a few things for loved ones, including the blanket I made for Lauren, but I wouldn't do anything for anyone, free or for money, if it weren't for the love I have for it.

2. If you had one year to live, what would you do?

Travel. I can't die without seeing the world. I always tell people I'm starting with the states, but I've never been farther west than Missouri. Haven't even been to TX yet. I also want to go to Africa, and India maybe, and surely Australia. I wouldn't have to worry about money because if you have a terminal illness (which I assume is the scenario) you can cash in your insurance. Crazy huh? I'd get married and try to get pregnant. I'd want a lil person to remind people of me. Maybe I'd harvest my eggs for future use... I'd have to smoosh all the things I want to do in life into one year.

3. What's the secret to your relationship with Kesi?

We always say that its that we were friends before we were together. But I think its the type of friends we were that makes a difference. We were the type that were kind of friends that had no pretense, no need to impress or lie or exaggerate. Even now we have that kind of friendship. We don't feel that there's a way we have to do things, we just kind of go for it.

I kind of look at us as if we're best friends before anything else. It keeps us from doing the things that people might not feel that guilty about when its just a boy- or girlfriend that they feel they can replace. Even if we weren't romantically involved I couldn't make it if we couldn't joke around or have a serious conversation. It'd be like losing Lauren. A part of my spirit would be broken.

4. How many children do you plan to have, and what would you like them to be when they grow up?

These are really good questions. I never even thought of what I'd want them to be...

I want to have 4 kids. Two boys, two girls. God willing. My plan, because I really do consider such things, is to have them maybe 3 years apart, cuz I don't want to have like a 12 year old and a newborn.

I don't have any thoughts as to what I want them to be, occupationally, but I just want them to be happy and I won't stifle them. I think of the things I wanted to do as a kid and how maybe my mom couldn't afford them or didn't have time... I don't want that to be a factor in their lives. They'll play an instrument, but they can choose which, lol. If they want to take dance, or sports, or stuff like that, its all good. I just want them to be ok kids. Able to express themselves. And if they're a tad weird that's ok because I'd rather they not try to fit in and be something they're not.

5. What is your dream job?
I wanna be a cartoon. Weird huh? Above and beyond all else I'd love to do voices. I think I have a very clear voice, if a tad nasaly. And I can emulate very well, as far as accents, and if you've ever been in the same room as me you know I love to talk.

When I was little I knew that tv wasn't reality. I knew that cartoons were not actual things, but drawings and people behind them. When my mom told me Cree Summer was the one that did the voice of Elmyra, I knew that's what I wanted to do. Even now I look up to Tom Kenny (spongebob, bloo) and Seth Green (robot chicken, Chris Griffith). So if I could do one thing, and be one thing, I'd be a cartoon. Doesn't that explain a lot about my general demeanor?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Cuttin P said...

the blanket was huge!!!

the joy said...

Thanks babe, lol.

Btw, I forgot about Kevin clash, the voice of elmo!

Jameil said...

Firstly? mad about it. i think i would travel, too. i wouldn't want to have a baby tho b/c i wouldn't want my child to have to grow up w/o a mother. i would get married tho if i was in a committed relationship. it def. sucks to lose a double bf. i would wish it on no one. you want 4 kids 3 years apart? joy... please give your body time to rest. its actually really bad for you to have babies back to back. 12 years is too far but 4?? not just your body, can you imagine how ridiculously tired you'd be???
when you said you wanted to be a cartoon i was so concerned. the VOICE of a cartoon. i want to do voiceovers, too.

the joy said...

Lol why you mad at my explaination? You raise a good point about the motherless child. Now I'm sad... I don't know, I just figure that I wanna have my kids within a certain amount of time. Logic might not prevail, but I have to have a plan.

shani-o said...

Before I read any further: Sorry about "knitting." I know the difference, I've done both...

shani-o said...

... and I'm back.

I love the cartoon voice idea! I hate my voice when i hear it played back, but you'd probably sound awesome.

And if you have 4 kids, three years apart each, then won't you have a 12-year-old and a newborn? Or maybe I misunderstand.

Anyway, thanks for answering!

the joy said...

Shame shani! I was giving you the benefit! But people do that all the time, probably cuz you are more people knitting on tv. They also ask if I'm pregnant when they see me do it. What is this, the colonial years?

No, I'd have a 9, 6, 3, newborn. And I meant like, have one kid and have the next 10 years later. Thx for the questions.

the joy said...

And thanks for the voice comment. I hate my voice when I'm not paying attention to how it sounds. I always thought it was deeper, but I tend to mumble if there's a recording device around. Gotta do my tv announcer voice.