Thursday, June 14, 2007

Free tattoos: a text in one act.

La: I have to be at work at 6:30.

Me: Uh, why? You work in (that ish Lauren does)! No one's buying (that ish Lauren sells) that early.

La: Inventory. They're also trying to not give me my time off

Me: I hate them. Deeply.

La: me too. Meeeee tooooo.

Me: Lol. I'm thinking of buying a henna kit. Will you let me do one? Btw East Point
Sacred Heart has a guy there in apprenticeship and he's doing free tatts.

La: Yes. And woo! Free tattoos! I want!!

Me: I know, that's why I told you. Everyone's getting tattoos and I want one but I've already decided that's not my path. Hence the henna. This lady today gave us a DIY lesson and a website.

La: get a tattoo! They're cool! Be cool like me!

Me: No peer pressure! I'm too fickle for tattoos. And I want something totally original. This lady had a scripture. Written in heiroglyphics. On her chest.

La: GET IT. You can get something totally joy and something that means something to you. We'll go together! Yay!

Me: No tattoos. There are other reasons. I have no idea where I could get a tattoo that (my mom) would never see, and if I did I'd have nightmares that I'd go to hell over it. Trust. Plus kesi said they're not attractive to him and I told him I wouldn't get one if there was a chance he wouldn't like it. And I have no idea what I want!

La: Lol. DO IT.

Me: Stop peer pressuring me! What if I get a tattoo and hate it and blame you and it ruins our friendship!

La: That would so never happen. DO IT.

Me: I'm kicking and screaming!

La: Um... does that mean yes? Lol

Me: No. Kesi said I shouldn't listen to you because you're an addict.


Me: I'm gonna get a tattoo that says Lauren made me get a tattoo.

La: Ok I don't like that, lol. I'm gonna think of something so tiny yet cool that you'll have to get it.

Me: No response to the addict?

La: ( you know, I can't remember what she said...)

Me: That's just what an addict would say.

La: I'm kicking you. *kick*

Me: "Lauren kicked me and made me get a tattoo."

La: No! Bah!

Me: I can get it in heiroglyphics!

La: *KICK*

Me: Stop kicking me crazy stinky!

La: Then GET A TATTOO!!! Lol

Me: Never!


The end. For now. Lauren will be in town this coming week and she might kidnap my ass and I'll wake up branded. Stay tuned!
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Jameil said...

that sounds like a convo b/t me and stace. and yet... she hasn't thought of one i want either. stay strong tatt free sista!! :)

GreatWhyte said...

Nooooooo!! Do it! Do it! I got one last year thanks to Bishop and... never mind. I'ma blog about it tomorrow when I get home (the picture is on my computer).

La said...


I'm gonna get USDA prime branded on your ass, lol

the joy said...

I'm trying Jameil, I'm really trying.

X- lol no! Nevah! But I would like to hear about yours...

La- my arse is kinda meaty...