my fresh ass outfit, lol. lauren, say what you must about my socks, but 1: they made the outfit, 2: i love argyle, and 3: i gottem at target!

the cowboy star is finally finished! and.... i hate it. it was such a labor i wanted it to come out perfect and it didnt. the points are uneven. but it still sold.

playa status, apparently. thats what the person i made this for said when i handed him the blanket. i wanted to go all modern sophisticate and do abstract squares, and he goes, "how about dice?" oh-kay... but it was fun to make and he's got me making him a flag now, so its all good. give the people what they want.
droppin that talent! get it! :)
Joy! your craftwork is OFF THE CHAIN!!! I can't believe what I see! man, i need your info so i can get some ish made, like NOW!
Aw you guys! I have the biggest smile! :)))
My mom told me my grandma would be proud, and I almost cried.
Stace you can myspace me and let me know what you are thinking about and we'll correspond. I'm headed to tally in July! But if you want me to make you something I can surely have it done way before then.
The dice...LOVE EM
Love the dope girl or b-girl fresh look...that's my thing ;-)
Oooh. time to think of a blanket idea, seriously
LOVE argyle socks! Lauren has threatened my life for wearing it, but meh! AND I think the dice are hot!
Madam- I like the dice too, its just that we had two completely different ideas. It was funny. But his face lit up and I loved it.
Imagine that you are watching tv or relaxing under your handmade blanket. What design would make you feel even more relaxed and comfy?
Shani- of course she hates it. It reminds her of private school.
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