Thursday, March 08, 2007

You are getting sleepy

So its now 930 and I am one hour into my sleep study. Clearly, I am not asleep and I don't know how I'll get there with the million little thingies taped onto my face.

I woke up at about 730 this morning. Why? I had to go to the hospital to get a chest xray and blood taken. Then I spent the rest of the day tired. Fast forward to about 6pm when I was supposed to take a cat nap and ended up asleep until 730. And then I came here.

They asked me to change into my pjs and come back. (Usually I am a no undies kind of sleeper, but I knew they had to stick stuff on me so I decided to keep them on. I even still have on socks.) So they start sticking these lil sensors on my head and taking my pulse with this thing on my finger. Also I got a band wrapped around my chest and stomach. I look like a mummy crazy mess.

Oh did I mention the chick who is over the study's name? Cassette. Like VCR, audio, 1987. Cassette. Seriously. And we move on.

The man in the other room is already asleep. And snoring. They keep coming in here to fix some thing on me, so even if I were tired I wouldn't be able to rest. Qnd Lost is on. But I've been instructed to try. So more when I wake.

Ah yes. It is Thursday now. I was awakened by no gentile means. I don't think I realized there was someone in the room until she touched me. And by touched I mean started taking the thingies off me. It was so bright in the room. I was trying to look at the time...530? What the ingodly time? Ok, now I must call kesi and... Oh its 430? Bull!

I literally called him 10 times. Naturally he was asleep. I thought i wouldn't have to wake til the sun came up, but apparently its a 6 hour process and I had ta go. He showed at about quarter to 6, lookin beat. I'm sure I looked equally beat. I came home and slept til noon.

I get the results next week. I'm hoping they say I do have apnea, that way I can get my tonsils taken out. Until then, things will be back to normal, and I won't have to see any doctors!
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Jameil said...

6 hours? that's odd. but i guess they don't want you in there all damn night and day! you would be there until noon hangin out! hahahahaha.

Madam DLBG said...

Aww man...I wish I really knew you because I would SO ask to see your results!!! Sleep Apnea is what I want to do my thesis on...specifically related to athletes though. mainly because my physician from way back in high school believed I had this problem and it came back up a few years back while I was in undergrad during a physical. I pray all is well though and if it isn't you get everything taken care of!

La said...

boo tonsils!!! Yay apnea!!!!

Or... something.

the joy said...

Jam- I so woulda slept til noon. Hard.

Madam I do plan on sharing the general aspect of my results.

La- can I get that on a tee shirt?