Tuesday, March 20, 2007

more on that randomness.

on my last aimless post i forgon a lot of things! so here it is:

1. guess who i met? jennifer hudson! huzzah! she was nice to me for the three seconds that i shook her hand and told her to stop by my J.O., but i heard she was getting a bit demanding at the spot. ya'll know i dont put my job out there for legal reasons, but through the grapevine it was said that she had people scrambling to find a piano for her to play cuz she heard another celebrity (a more famous one) had a piano in their spot. lololol! stop playin! and i doubt i would have noticed her if not for this FLAMBOYANT man that decided to sashay toward her. he was in her entorage, and should really know better when a person is teying to be on the low.

2. what exactly is a lace front? ive heard it mentioned in reference to beyonce and tyra, but its not the most self explainitory phrase. and i dont do "extra hair" unless its braids, so... i suppose its something tacky, but after that, i dont know.

3. i got some new lip gloss. i'm so damn shiny. its vicky's beauty rush. i went in there for the first time evah and did not buy undies! none of them really stood out to me. step your game up VS! but i did get a long cami. and its green! its the only green item i own. seriously.

4. oh ima have to stab a ho. we tend to go to the mcdonald's once or twice a week and damn it if my BIL (bro in law) isnt always there. this is relevant because when we were ridint in my car i always got the front seat regardless of whether or not he was there, cuz damnit its my cah. but now we're cruisin the new yorker, and i'm in the back. so anyways, the past few times this one chick has been all in my man's face while she's handing him the food. the first time she was all sensual handing him the bag, smiling in his face (i didnt see this, but they did) then she told kesi to park so she could bring the rest out. so we're waiting, and this heffah is switching to the car! like working it! so of course i'm making my comments. i know people flirt with him but i dont wanna see it. the second time, we went for my "fries and pies," and she comes all sweet out the window, "your fries are cooking, theyll be ready in a minute..." cheesing and ish. so after the window closed, i either thought really intensely or said aloud, " theyre my fries bitch!" either way she didnt hear me, lol. im not really jealous, but i mean, damn, can you stick your third shift ronald mcdonald ass back in the window? i will correct her, shoot. and of course kesi and BIL thinks its so funny and egg me on. i do wear my emotions on my sleeve....


Jameil said...

omg this is the phrase of the day if not the week, "your third shift ronald mcdonald ass"!!!!!!!!!!!!!


not up on the weave game either. i love green. most of it is so unnecessarily sexy on me.

Madam DLBG said...

LOL...I betcha won't cut a beyotch...

*in "old man on the Cosby Show dance episode" voice*

Madam DLBG said...

oh yeah, lace front refers to the fact that actual lace is on the front of the weave. it's there for gluing purposes. When peoples lace front isn't on point you can see the lace and glue along the edge of the forehead...or five head in tyra's case.

the joy said...

Jamiel- that chick had me heated. Usually I don't get mad cuz I know "which side my bread is buttered on" as the old people say. Lol I didn't know it was such a funny thing to say.

Madam- lol I love that episode! I'll throw salt down and rub my foot on her. And also, oh. That makes sense. I shoulda known that, what with my ma being a former hair dresser.