Thursday, February 08, 2007

Busy week!

I'm currently sitting in my favorite pizza place waiting for a cheese slice. Its my little oasis of peace in what is the busiest day so far in a busy week. Ah... Cheese.

Today I have to the dentist (done), the otolaryngologist (ear nose throat lady), go to work, wash my hair, clean my room, pay my cable bill and get everything ready for Lauren's arrival.

Pardon me if I don't blog again til Monday. I still love you all. And one day I'll figure out autotext and comment.

My mom's trippin about my birthday party. For some reason she feels someone will call the cops or fight so my dad will be there while she stays at a hotel. Lmfao. I will kick a nigga out my house. Its just funny how much she worries. Did I mention a haven't had a party in 18 years? Yes, I was 5.

Our new shops openned at work this week. Insanity. The PM shift only has 2 associates so I'm working 6 days this week. And Saturday might be my only day off. Blah. B works in our new starbucks. I work in the gourmet gift shop. (I just left my purse at the pizza place. Shit!) We have a connecting door and sometimes we stand at it like we're at visiting day in jail. Lol we don't, really. But we so should. They take forever to close and I usually leave an hour after I close waiting for him. But its too cold at night to walk to the trains.

I know I said Blanket Statements would be up by Feb, but its not. It would be, but I'm booked through March with projects from people I work with and I want to be able to start fresh. So, March it is. Its listed on my profile but everything I wanted to put on the page is not there yet. So if you peek it may look different in a few weeks. And can you change a web page domain name? I named it joychantelle2, as this is the original joychantelle, but I wanna change it. Does anyone know how?

If you haven't read about my super sweet 5 anniversary, feel free, its below this post. This rambly post. I got my purse and I'm headed to the doctors.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jameil said...


pretty sure you can't change the domain name but you can delete the old one and just start a new one.

the joy said...

But did you see? I commented on your blog! Horray!

Madam DLBG said...

You so busy typing on this darn blackberry you forgetting keey attention!! Glad you at least realized you left ur pocketbook, lol.

You can change the domain name:
Dashboard > settings > publishing...

You'll see where you can change it at this point ;-)

the joy said...

I know. That was really foolish of me. Luckily I am a frequent guest.

Thanks. Now I know.