Thursday, October 19, 2006

my X best friend.

that's just a play on words. i still love X. we are still friendy friends.

his brother asked me how we became friends. how we met. i said, "Apparently lauren and i were lying on the floor, and he was standing over us. is that right?" i honestly dont remember. what i do remember is that we were in drama class together and that we bonded over the fact that we went to the same middle school, albeit for 5 weeks.

he had a crush on my friend. lol, ah memories. the three of us used to spend hours on the phone being ridiculously goofy. i used to love to watch him freestyle outside after school. we worked on costumes together in drama after school, which is kind of funny to think about if you knew him.

then he moved away. but we still kept in touch. i'd braid his hair and go see movies and things. we went to the same church, though that meant nothing to our relationship considering how big that church is.

he's like a brother to me really. we're very candid with each other and joke all the time. i listen to his music and laugh at the references he makes like theyre our own private jokes. we had a class together last spring and i felt like we disrupted with our lil giggles.

but we have our serious side too. i think sometimes i'm his outlook to what "typical" females think and feel. giving him the maybe's and possibly's and the other side of the story. we have really deep talks about spirituality and the future.

he's gonna see the world. i am too, but his experience will be more jam packed and whirlwind and lights and sounds. i'll be here to celebrate with him and take his call from france or wherever. i have faith in his talent and i'm glad he's my best friend.

and X, if youre reading, you could be right about where you'd be at your age. almost there! you were however wrong about the condition of my boobs. still perky!


Madam DLBG said...

Did he say u'd have droopy

the joy said...

he so did. cuz i dont wear bras sometimes. only when its appropriate!