Wednesday, February 08, 2006

while you losers are watching the super bowl... (part 2)

so was everyone else at red lobster. it wasnt pacted, but it wasnt empty as i expected. damn bar tvs...

but dinner was great, and the night was great. we also went to the drive in and saw "big mama's house2." it was so old fashioned! we laid under the blanket i made him a few years back and cuddled. i dont want to share too much because it is something i would just like to preserve in my memory. just everyone be aware that i am more in love today than i was on feb 4.

also, my dear friend, the one who got drunk, called me to wish me a happy birthday. very sweet, but a tad early, yeah?

1 comment:

Jameil said...

you should've been in pittsburgh. if i wasn't so sleepy i would've been in the grocery store enjoying it alllllll alone!!