Sunday, March 08, 2009

Yall talk about that?

Yes. All the time. Almost every day.

For all intents and purposes, Kesi and I are.... Pre-engaged. I mean, we know that we want to get married and we know that if we could we would be now. I mean, 7 years is nothing to play with. Neither of us has a fear of commitment. We'd love to move out of our respective parents' homes and live together. Have kids. Have a nice, affordable, classy wedding in front of our friends and family. If there's one thing I lament this recession for, its my not being able to save money like I wanted.

The subject of our spiritual lives came up somehow the other night in one of the rare moments of Kesi and I riding around alone in the car. Did either of us get past genesis when attempting to read the whole bible? How he wasn't raised in church and I was. How I was baptized and he wasn't. Explaining what happens at a christening.

"I'd like to get baptized at our wedding."

"we both could do it."

"I think its a good idea."

Not only taking a vow to each other in front of God, but a vow to God in front of each other. Beautiful.

"you guys talk about that stuff?" my coworker Friday afternoon.

I wonder why its so hard to believe. Its not like we've been shitting around the past 7 years. If we hadn't earnestly mentioned it in all this time, then why am I here? Why is he? But then again the person who asked is dating someone 12 years older than her who probably treats her like a thing rather than a person. And she treats him like a bank, so.....

One of the rudest things I encounter is random people asking when I'm getting married. People who actually know Kesi or I see that we have a better relationship than some who have been married. I mean, I have friends who are divorced already, so let me do this, k? Anyway I think this is rude because you don't know my life. If marriage is even something I wanted. You just assumed. And by assuming, you add pressure. Its like, "when are you gonna get new shoes?" these shoes feel great, and just because I've worn them for a while now and you don't think they're in style doesn't mean I have to get a new pair. I also don't have to change the dynamics of my relationship because you think its "time."

People are also surprised we don't have kids. Boo to you. My uterus will be here for a while. Its like Puffy, only its not ruining anyone's careers.

One thing I was wrong about? Kesi's "stepmom." its official now. I always thought I'd have that last name before her. But that's ok, cuz the family actually likes me.

*havent started blogging from the new computer yet because I haven't had a day off since I got it. Wah.*

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Jameil said...

why wouldn't you talk about it? if you can't talk about marriage after 7 years you should end it now. shoot if you can't talk about it in a year, you should get out esp. past a certain age. you're not exactly a spring chicken. LOL! i'm kidding.

La said...

"Its like Puffy, only its not ruining anyone's careers"


Yeah strangers asking when you will get married is really rude and intrusive... I can still do it tho, right? lol

Adei von K said...

awww, I like the baptizing at the wedding!!!

the joy said...

jameil- im still in the egg, thanks.

la- lol you have an invested interest in the whole thing, so yes.

adei- yeah it was a really awesome idea. but now im thinking of water friendly materials and a waterproof updo, lol.