Friday, March 27, 2009

Of body ink and birthdays

Here's sumn you may not know: I'm headed to Texas! Yay! Its my LP (known to you as the infamous La)'s birthday, and I'm going to hang out with her. Atlanta is really trying to send me on my way wth all this ran though. They want me to leave! Bye then!

So we're hoping to get tattoos while I'm there. Mine is highly conceptual, and involves heiroglyphics and Arabic and shit. But I can't seem to find anyone who speaks Arabic to translate for me (I need to hear them say the words so I can translate the sounds into heiro, so the internet aint really helping). Bah! Damn it! I work with mad Ethiopians and Somalians but no Egyptians! Fuck!

Anyway, Kesi and I are sitting in the car the other night and some new guy from his job walks up to him showing off his tattoo. "yeah my boy does ink. You see its good work so if you need some, holler!" it was straight script. Just a cursive tattoo of his sons name on his arm. Then he started talking about some jail tat method involving crayons and a safety pin. It was at this point that I really started thinking about where the average black person probably gets their tattooing skills, and twittering about it, lol.

"Can't go to a tattoo parlor in the hood because I don't think many of them went through artist apprenticeship. May be biased, but I don't want a prison tattoo."

I know from watching Miami ink that you're supposed to work under someone in order to become a tattooist. I think most of these dudes, especially the one in my hood that EVERYONE goes to, could draw well, learned in jail, then got out and bought a tat gun. *sidenote, the guy across from me on the bus has no less than 4 tattoos on his arms and hands, one that says "god's/ child" with 6 stars, an ugly bulldog looking "cry later" mask, and sumn I can't discern from here* and that's fine, if that's what you like. But me? My brother is a brilliant artist. He turned a photo of himself into a lil fish cartoon. He still has to tag my skates. But I'm not about to let him scribble on my body! So pardon me as I head to lil 5 points and get my artwork done.

So I've never been to Texas. I'm excited! I remember La telling me there are cows next to the bus station. Its gonna be really interesting. I also decided to cook for her birthday. We have to go to the grocery store, which she particularly hates, lol. But damnit, we're going! I'm gonna be away from Kesi for 6 days. He's gonna be crumbled in a corner when I get back. Po baby. I'll be sure to bring him back a teeshirt. Lmao.

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Jameil said...

you keep deserting him! but have a great time in TX! i've never been, either!

Adei von K said...


I want to go back to texas!! have lots of fun, I think you'll like it there (as if I'm speaking for the whole state)!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

never heard of that vshow

Jazzy said...

omg lmao @ crayons and safety pins...i am so repulsed and do not blame you for tuning him out the minute he even mentioned that foolishness.

Have fun with La!!

Southerner in Suomi said...

Joy, my homie from high school is an Arabic linguist for the Army. Not many black girls doing that but she loves it.

What do you need translated? And I'm two hours away from La. When are you coming down?

the joy said...
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