Friday, March 13, 2009

The bad news.

So yes, I was supposed to mention this yesterday, but its been kind of a rollercoaster. I'll just come right out with it.

My Granddaddy died.

His name was James and he was 82 (I think). He was married to Lula, the grandmother who taught my mom to crochet.

He fell and broke a few ribs, which led to pneumonia and kidney probs, and this morning he had a stroke. By the time I woke up, he was gone.

Its funny, lately I'd been talking about him. Breezy and I were talking about his 99yo grandfather, and a few weeks ago I was describing my Granddaddy's house to Kesi- how there's bedrooms enough for everyone, lol. Lately I'd been thinking of sitting in the car with him the last time I saw him, 3 years ago.

He had a fishing boat. And a big, old school van. It was green I think. Had a couch in it. And not the ghetto kind either, one that came with the van. I guess it was bench seating, but really plush.

We were never allowed in his room. I have no idea what it looks like.

I'm worried about my dad. He's in CT now (and I need to find a way to get up there). I considered not going, but I think he'd feel totally alone if his kids didn't show up. No matter what drama occurred its things like this that show family is what counts. Gosh that sounds cheesy, but its true.

I guess that's all.... We'll miss you Granddaddy.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jameil said...

ehug, joy.

the joy said...

thanks. pass one to rashan for me too.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

sory to hear that u will be in my prayers folk

Adei von K said...

awww. sorry about the loss, Joy.