Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Everything's kosher

Or not.

My mother called me from upstairs to ask me to go to the grocery store for her, and also to say she printed 26(!) pages of info on safe and unsafe foods off the net, in reference to their kosher status.

If you don't know, I stopped eating pork when I was 15, because I wanted (still want) to own a pig. I even refused to make my mom what I called "pig sandwiches." oh it was hard; I love bacon and pork chops. But I love the lil piggies more. I have since stopped eating a few other animals because I feel pity for them, lol. Kesi has NEVER eaten pork.

Anyways, eventually my mom and my brother stopped eating pork for health reasons, and I started checking labels for the circled U or K that says there's no pork products in it. So I stopped eating gummy bears and some types of jello, and went about my life.

Until this list.

They took away my Lucky Charms!

You should have seen my face. I forgot that dehydrated marshmallows would have gelatin in it (which is either pig or horse derived). I'm so sad. Oh, and our totino pizzas, which we as people who eat at 2am LIVE off of (and red baron too) have pork enzymes in the cheese. Wah!

So Kesi and I headed to walmart and got all paranoid. We checked everything. Cereal, bread, yogurt, the aforementioned pizzas... It sucks. My diet is about to CHANGE! This list has shook my world.

So my lunch was hummus and club crackers and juicy juice (I'm also breaking from high fructose corn syrup). Kesi and I are headed to WWE/ ECW tonight and after that we will surely be hungry. Its also our half anniversary and besides losing a loved one (food) we're in super high spirits.

And I'm wearing my express outfit!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Rashan Jamal said...

Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good... "Pulp Fiction"

Have fun at the WWE joint. It's 100 times better live. Hope the undertaker is there with his slow entrance. Its crazy!

Jameil said...

Better you than me man. Dang. No gummy bears? What's next? FRIES!!?!?!? I've seen that Kosher list and it is CRAZY!!

La said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Aww poor thing.

They put pork in a lot of stuff you don't realize. I was having a hard enough time giving up the bacon but now it's like smoothies have pork or some foolishness. Cant. lol

Adei von K said...

OOOOh. I should tell Drew about the gummi bears. he just bought a pound of them (i kid you not)

that's a gangsta ass commitment, joy. i wish i could do that. my dad says i'm too small to omit anything although i may have to knock off milk cause the drip is not the business.

Southerner in Suomi said...

Well seeing as I don't ever plan to give up my bacon again (my college coach was a bacon psychic I think), I don't wanna see this list.

the joy said...

Rashan- they were good. Now I've lost desire for them. Undertaker's on raw. But we're going to that in November.

Jam- I'd give up if I lost my fries.

La- you'd figure with all the people not eating it that itd be in less crap, but no.

Stace- its def certain kinds. Jelly belly and twizlers are fine, but...

Diz- lmao just pork? He was a hater!