Thursday, August 14, 2008

13 things that I hate about the space/book

I love social networking. I use myspace to keep up with family in CT and to listen to my friends' music. I use facebook to look at peoples' pix and to find old high/ middle school friends. Overall they're great sites and good ways to pass time, but then there's things that make me wanna roll my eyes or log off. Here's my list of the 13 things I hate about Space/Book

1 RIP?
This is #1 because it inspired this list. Some time ago someone posted a status that said something like "gone too soon, RIP lil Pookie, I know you're flying with the angels now." then others started following suit regarding this guy. I didn't know him but someone I know did, and so I asked about him. "he's dumb as hell." "you know he died right?" "you know he got shot in the stomach robbing a convenience store, right? He didn't even need money. He was just trying to be hard." damn. Word? And I'm still seeing people's status making him out to be 1 miracle short of the Savior. And I can't hate on a person for loving someone, but let's not try to gloss over the truth.

2 random friend requests
Do I know you? No? "ignore." I sometimes have no desire to know the people I interract with daily. I'm not trying to add to that.

3 rude comments
I had a video up a while back, and someone decided that itd be fun to berate and make derogatory comments about someone on the video, AND my 3 year old cousin. Not to mention that this person was not even my friend and I didn't even know you could do that. And so I sent this person a message stating that they'd be wise to stop talking about my family and friends before I came and saw about their young ass (this kid was about 8 years younger than me. Really youngster?). Then a few weeks later this child tried to add me as a friend and say they were "kidding." I let him know that I was not.

4 passive aggressive statuses
This chick I know, every time I get on the face, her status is something like "I'm sick of these boys, I'm looking for a real man, I'm not giving my heart out any more." I'm talking about every other day. It seems to me that she keeps putting herself in these situations and then decides to make us feel sorry for her or get on a "men aint shit" wall post tangent. I'm not for that, lol. Me and men are on good terms. Then there's the chick who puts "don't be putting ish out on facebook, if you were real you would come to me like a woman." pot calling the kettle black anyone? Both of them are clearly talking about 1 person, why not just talk to them instead of putting them on front street?

5 booty shot pix
I don't wanna see your ass. Thanks. I'm talkin bent over, half dressed, Luke video auditon. Its just not necessary. Save it for the jailhouse cell wall.

6 spam groups
I'm all for supporting my peoples, so when they have music fan groups or event groups I join. But why is 3 or 4 members of the group sending out the SAME email to members of said group? Do they not realize they're sending it to the same person? And these teasers to events that haven't been announced? Stop! I don't like having 12 things in my inbox that are literally the same message, or are so cryptic that I have a headache when I'm done.

7 messenger
I hate myspace messenger. I've never even used it. But facebook messenger is a waste of energy. You're on whether you want to be or not! When I'm on fb I'm probably on other things too. So when I click back to fb, I have some person going "hello? Joy! Are you there?" for the past few minutes. There's no pop up or bells, and its all at the bottom of the page, so I wouldn't know it was there. Wack.

8 facebook frenemies
We weren't cool back in the day. But you wanna add me? I'll accept strictly to see if you're gonna apologize.

9 busy ass pages
My cousin Boochie's page takes 6 minutes to load on Kesi's high speed. Wtf? She's got lil dancing things, music imbedded, neon colored spinning guitars in the background, so even once I get on the page, I now have vertigo. I haven't been on her page since last year. The headache just stopped.

10 old people
"what is this mein-space?"
This German guy at my job has a teenage son who loves the "mein-space." he decided to ask some younger employees about it, rather than making his own profile, thank God. But why is my old ass former manager on the fb? And a bunch of other older people too. Womp. I can see teachers, cuz it started as a student site and I do be looking for certain favorite teachers, but when my mom gets a fb account, I'm leaving.

11 tmi cousin!
My cousin Chris's profile picture is his bare chest. Ever heard that phrase "put the bird back in the cage"? Yeah. Then we have other relatives who wanna declare their teenage love for a different not every week or have bikini shots or talk about what kinda "nigga gets me goin and keeps me coming"... Sigh... My mom had to have a lil talk about discretion to one of them while she was in CT.

12 how they're almost identical
Facebook just changed their look and it looks just like myspace, which now has status updates for you and your friends like facebook, which got that damn messenger after myspace did. Soon they'll be one entity.

13 "online now" stalkers
There's this kid who I "friended" who, every time I'm on the space, sends me a "hi," "what's good," "let's IM." how could he possibly be online so much? I sometimes think he's been hacked, but usually if they want to spam you they just cut to the chase, right? Then I think, "his messenger name is so inappropriate (its a porn term), it can't be him ." then I think, "maybe it is. Maybe he's just a freak." And this happens every time I go on there!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jazzy said...

I love online social networks too, but myspace and facebook...just don't appeal to me.

I'm so with you on busy pages. It's why I don't visit certain blogs...takes too damn long for the page to load up. ANNOYING!

Southerner in Suomi said...

@passive aggressive statuses: May it's her vagina that needs to be put away.

Adei von K said...

yeah, i'm not for the RIP statuses and I had to RIDE on my sister for her wack ass status updates! Don't nobody want to read all that!!! Oooh, I rode in her ass for, "I wish some people would leave me the fcuk alone! I'm tired, cold and hungry, damn!"

WORD?? take that ish off and don't do it again!! needless to say, she doesn't do it anymore.

I am sooooooooo quick to delete people with the monologue updates.

the joy said...

Diva- I go back if the page takes more than a minute to load. I just don't have the patience.

Diz- right? And the crazy part is that she used to be afraid to kiss boys.

Stace- lol@ your sis. What do they want from us? Cuz all I'm passing out is "side eye."

Eb the Celeb said...

I really really dont get #2... the reason my page is private..

I have some good statuses if I do say so

I tend to think the status is more important than your actually page... people (friends) even jack my statuses after I've changed them because they were so fly...

I hate on myspace when the person's default name is some long drawn out sentence... I'm like put all that mess in the little quote next to your pic...

the bulletin spamming is the worst... OK OK I see your having a party... posting the same damn messsage 1 million times is not going to make me go more than if you only posted it once.

Ok I think I'm done for now