Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm still alive

Who knew itd take 2 days to program a phone?! I got a new blackberry, same one as the old one, but... New. I was gonna get the 8130 but all it has is a higher res camera and video capabilities and wifi. I don't need none of that and it aint worth $50 extra. So there. My new phone is red! Its so sexy. Lol. And yep, it took me 2 days to take off all the phone numbers and addresses and personal stuff so I could sell the old one. Now, apparently you can do this via PC, but everything's set up on Kesi's PC and its all the way at his house, where I am not. So I did it joy's way. And I have a hand cramp.

The gas tank had a leak. I mean probably all the gas is drained out. Gas is too expensive to be leaking out on the ground like that. It better act like it got some sense. So the car had to be towed and we're not sure when it'll be fixed. Bah. Meanwhile I'm relying on the bus and kesi's mom (my street is long and dark, so...), and if you've been reading my blog for a while you know she likes to "speech." the other night Kesi was outside having deep convos with his friend/ coworker, and I'm inside his job talking to a few other coworkers (more on that later), and so mom sees him out there when she came to pick us up and when I get out the car she lectures him on fidelity and the like. What? It was a conversation! Luckily we have trust in our relationship. He thinks nothing of the fact that I go to parties and clubs with other dudes and I don't care if he did the same (which he doesn't, which is why I go to the club with other people- he's not really a club dude). Its me telling him not to have female friends and him telling me not to have male friends that would drive one of us to be unfaithful, in my opinion. Anyways....

While he was outside, I was inside finding out that his coworker that is from my hometown went to the church I grew up in! Not only that, but my Godsister is her kids' Godmother! And my godmother, day care extraordinaire, took care of her kids before she moved down here. She knows all my peoples! Small world man. My mom was a minister with her aunt. The list goes on, lol.

*Can you say that gay people should be stoned in this day and age? I mean, can you be a young black woman with biracial kids, and be so bigotted and ignorant as to say that gays should be stoned for the protection of said children? Seriously. And accordingly, can this cordiality I have with you continue, knowing that you're so narrow minded and foolish that you would not only think but say such a thing? To me? A rational and loving human being with some sense? Sigh.*

This girl I work with is such a pain. She leaves messes everywhere and will litterally walk away from making drinks so that she can ring up guests (and possibly make tips). Tonight she banked out first and "left" me, exiting with the words, "wow, you're really behind..." meanwhile I left before her because despite wanting to be a cashier all the time she can't count and her drop is always wrong. I am thinking of calling her "green card,". Not because she's an immigrant, but because she was singing Lil Boosie's "independent" and we swear she was singing "she got a green card, she got a green card..." we were like what? So now that's our new song when she does something dumb, which is often. Today she walked away from a whole row of drinks... To take more orders. I was already taking care of the guests and she could have made those drinks, but she's determined to stand her ass at the register. She's so wack. And lazy. And I'm over it.

On to better things. 7 days til whitewater! This will be infinitely better than last year's attempted trip. You know, the one that was canceled by a death in the family. So let's all cross our fingers that everyone that I, Kesi, Breezy and Walter Lee's lives makes it safely to Saturday and beyond.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

well get a razor or metro pcs phone lol

and the messing babe - no home train ing

Jameil said...

oh phones. they're so annoying. NOT A GAS LEAK!! that'll make you cut somebody!! but what car was this sidetrack bob? love the nickname green card!! hilarious. have fun rafting!

Southerner in Suomi said...

Green Card? IG!! I say keep laughing at her until a manager gets tired of that short money and fires her.

Which will be a separate and more entertaining event.

Rashan Jamal said...

Leaking gas is not a good look.

Love that she gave him a lecture and he told you about it. That's trust right there.

Stoning? Yeah, that's pretty bad. Not sure I could stay cordial with someone so ignorant.

the joy said...

Torrence- I don't believe in those kinds of phones, Lol. I had a metro and they're not good for travel. And Kesi's razor drowned, so...

Jam- turns out the gas line was bent, and it cost $23 to fix! Awesome! So we're all good. This was Kesi's Buick. Oh btw whitewater is a water park. No rafting.

Diz- oh yeah money is what people get fired for the most round here. You will be put out over some money. But I will not encourage anyone's dismissal. The economy aint right for that.

Rashan- yeah I wasn't concerned about them talking privately. She needed a friend. I've been there. Yeah lil miss "stoned," there's a definite tension between us. Luckily the people who I've talked to about it agree with me. I mean it was literally the craziest thing a person has said to me.