Friday, May 02, 2008

One word tag

Its missing #5 too, diva!

1. Where is your cell phone? Hands

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? Working

3. Your hair? Scarved

4. Your mother? Sick

6. Your favorite thing? Ocean

7. Your dream last night? Forgot

8. Your favorite drink? Odwalla

9. Your dream car? Chauffered

10. The room you're in? Mine

11. Your ex? Ken

12. Your fear? Failing

13. Your favorite number? 8

14. Where were you last night? Work

15. What you're not doing right now? Eating

16. Muffins? Where?!

17. One of your wish list items? Money

18. Grew up at? 30

19. The last thing you did? Colbert-ed

20. What are you wearing? Scrubs

21. Your TV? TLC

22.Your pet or pets? Michaelangelo

23. Your computer/laptop? HATE!

24.Your Life? Sunshine

25.Your mood? Necesito

26. Missing someone? Everyone

27. Neighbors? Meh.

28. Your best friend? Calla

29. Your work? Better

31. Like someone? :)

32. Your favorite color? Royal

33. When is the last time you laughed? Earl
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jameil said...

you mean to tell me Michaelangelo is mikey's real name? LMAO!! hope mommy feels better! get me to an ocean YESTERDAY!! curses to you for making me google Odwalla. the name is scary.

Jameil said...

i've been looking for a reason to go to whole foods again. i now blame you. lol.

La said...

i didnt know your fav number was 8! MINE TOO!!!

Aww at calla :-)

the joy said...

Jam- yeah he's named after the cartoon, cuz he's got orange on him. Odwalla is so good. My mom has pollen in her throat and she's coughing like an old smoker. Its gross.

La- yeah I think 8 is the number of new starts... I notice I use it a lot. Aw, you're my lobster!

who? said...

did this a minute ago... gotta post it... ytf is there missing numbers? royal is a color? I guess... a royal shade of adjective...

Odwalla... ew. I may be confusing it with the Naked smoothies... but until further evidence of error... ew.

Adei von K said...

i like these one word things. so concise.

awww, hope mommy feels better.

you love you some colbert, don't you?

the joy said...

Canon- it is a smoothie... Are you one of those males who doesn't like the texture of fruit? Kesi is, but he likes smoothies...

Stace- I really do. I pray that I can get home early enough to watch the show. Its informative and funny.