Thursday, February 14, 2008

A to Z

Award: I don't have many. I got honorable mention in my school's book writing contest in 4th grade. It was a mystery a la "encyclopedia brown" or the one where there's a group of street smart kids who have their own agency. My prize was some city-wide assembly,which we got to on a short bus cuz there was only 8 of us, and free books (one of which was the chocolate war, which I don't remember being about chocolate AT ALL!) and paper and pens and such. I don't think I've won anything else, but I like that one the best since I am inherently a writer.

Bikini: loves! Need a new one. My mom wouldn't let me wear a 2 piece til I was 16. I am also going to make my own suit for the summer when I have free time.

Character: I'm a fan girl. I love character driven shows. Buffy, angel, lost, and soaps. Right now I am in love with this anime show called Death Note, which sounds morbid by the title, but I doubt there's any more death in it than the average tv show. Its literally like watching a chess match. Each episode gets into the heads of the characters and their schemes. I would recommend that you watch it if you like anime, but look it up on YouTube so you can catch up.

Dreams: last night I dreamed I was at work, and people were crowding around me because they were hungry. I couldn't get to them all fast enough and an older lady passed out. When I called security no one showed up. Two nights ago I had a dream I was supposed to give my cousin Mar a shower (why not a bath I'm not sure) but I couldn't reach the faucet because the floor was warped and I couldn't stand correctly. The whole dream I was just slipping around on the floor while he looked at me crazy. And while napping at the hotel I had a dream Ms Lady and I were walking her pits, only I didn't have a leash and had to grab the dog by the collar and he bit me. She had pits when we were younger but they were really gentle, and even though this one was gnawing on me it didn't hurt or draw blood. I decided the dog was having a tude, so I left it, but by the time I got home the dog was there.

Weird right?

Eco-friendly: I'm a believer! I recycle bags, feed Mikey stuff that I am too full to eat that he's allowed to have (mikey's my turtle if you didn't know), my trash company recycles our stuff for us, I'm not a vegetarian but I don't eat pork or beef (only need sometimes). I've been trying to buy those eco lightbulbs, but they're expensive and the regular bulbs go out faster than I can afford to buy new ones.

Fashion faux pas: you might think so, but I've never gone along with modern style trends. Usually what I'm doing is in style next year. People always stealing my idears. This year though I'm gonna be more mainstream while throwing my lil flavor in there too.

Goals: marriage and kids and a great career. Finishing school sometime before my knowledge is outdated. Getting a house and having themed rooms, such as my pin up bathroom and the graffiti play room. To go on wheel of fortune and win.

Hidden talents: I can clap with one hand. People say I look retarded when I do it, but they always laugh. This weekend I tied a cherry stem with my tongue for the first time! I'm pretty tongue-tallented, lol.

Inspiration: I'm mostly inspired by music and musicians. I'm still annoyed by Natalie Cole for her comments about Amy W, mainly because I feel like she said something to get her name in the magazines. Who is talking about NK these days? And someone on tv said "if we focus on musicans' problems, we'd never hear any music."

Jokes: I love to hear them but I kinda suck at telling them. I'm a commedian groupie. Never been to a comedy show, but I want to. I laughed for days after katt williams' "every day I'm hustling" joke.

Keepsake: I keep everything. Ticket stubs, letters, greeting cards, diaries... Buy its clear that my most important keepsake is pictures. I love capturing moments.

Liberal: yep. I believe people are free. Do what you wanna, just don't hurt nobody. I was born that way really. All those things republicans say with a snarled lip about libs? Me. I run around barefoot. I love animals. I am a believer in protests and believe that people who have changed the world in the smallest or largest ways have been liberal too.

Mom: my mom is... Boy. We were talking about her the other day and how grandiose she is. She's also long winded and anti emotion. I love her crazy ass though. She's always worried about me and she made me a bomb ass dinner for my birthday.

Nudity: I'm getting better. I'm very comfortable in my undies, but less than that, it depends. I am ok with seeing myself naked, but others... I feel kinda weird if we don't have the same ammt of clothes on, lol.

Online surfing: I get up in the morning, grab my phone and start checking blogs. I'm on Perez H, fark and tv squad on and off during the day. If it can't be done online I might not do it.

Perfection: as close to it as possible for some, not nearly close enough for others. I prefer just right.

Query: your mama's a query! Lol I know what this word means but I thought I'd say that instead of trying to get into anything.

Reading: angels and demons by Dan Brown. My friend got it for me for my birthday. Its hella long but I should be done with it soon.

Song: unlike my La, I don't like songs with my name in them. I've been through this before, people think its clever, blah blah blah. I want Kesi to write me a song though.

I do have a favorite song though. "superstar" by Luther Vandross or the carpenters. I think it was first sung by Burt bacharach, but they made it famous in the 80s and 70s and its sung beautifully by Karen and Luther. Every time its on I have to listen to it.

Trip: there was one year, 8th grade, where I very publicly fell 3xs. Lauren was there for all 3 and caused 2 directly or indirectly. They used to call me steps cuz I would always bust my arse on my granddaddy's steps. My knees are a mess, even today. I'm a tripper.

Ultimate indulgence: OZ spinach lazagna(I can't spell that word). So good. It costs like $7 but I need it in my life. My mother says they have an Italian tied up in the back of the restaurant.

Virgo: don't know much about them. I'm an aquarius. Calm and smooth. The water bearer.

Workout: I'm working on it. If I could get a tv in the spare room I'd jump on the gazelle.

Xtra: that's me. I'm so extra when in public. They used to call me a "social butterfly." I'd rather have fun than do anything.

Yuck!: I cannot control my burping. Its loud and long and people always say its not lady like. Well, I don't strive to be a lady. Not in the traditional sense. And I crack my knuckles and spit. My ex and I had spitting contests before we dated.

Zen moments: cuddling with Kesi. Flying. My head on my grandma's shoulder. Getting my hair washed. Standing on a beach. Post sex sleep. Good food. Finishing a project.learning something new about someone.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


La said...

I DID NOT!!!!!!!!

Jameil said...

yes you did!! lmao @ that and them calling you steps!! i'm still giggling!! that was hilarious. who thinks you have gone along with modern style trends? come on now. mmmm bikinis! they're laughing at you BECAUSE you look slow doing that. one-handed clap? you know when i get to the A i will make you do that, right? yeah... also your kids will have fun throwing out giant boxes of your keepsakes after you die. i'm gonna vomit at you spitting.

the joy said...

La- You did. We spoke of this

Jam- they do be stealing my ideas! I mean as far as casual wear goes. I'll gladly one-hand clap for anyone who asks and I know that's why they're laughing, it looks insane. Don't vomit... Just don't hang around me during pollen season. Why would you say that!!! I would hope one of my kids rummages through the things in the boxes and learn more about me.

Jameil said...

they probably won't care if you keep so much stuff the house is filled with it. they'll go through the first couple of boxes then see there are still 18 refrigerator-sized boxes filled to the top with crap and just start chucking them w/o checking. edit now so they can learn later.

Adei von K said...

joy. we would not be friends. burping is my yuck. i HATE when chicks belch!! and i do say, "that is so un-ladylike!" ewwwww!

the joy said...

Jam- I'm editted! I have 2 boxes. Not including the pix.

Stace- I'll try to control myself if we're ever around each other. Luckily I have pretty casual friends that don't really care.