Monday, February 04, 2008

One more day...

Until my anniversary! You guys, I think I'm more excited for this one than I was last year. I mean 5 years is a milestone, but I'm digging 6. I must say. I'm all mushy inside and kissy and giggly. I feel like singing a damn Disney song.

"new, and a bit alarming,
Who'd have ever thought... That.... This... Could... Be...."

That song would probably embody our new relationship, but its been 6 years down the line, so maybe we sing...

"a whole new world,
100,000 things to see,
Its like a shooting star,
I've come so far,
I can't go back to where I used to be..."

See what the eff I'm saying? I'm intoxicated right now. I'm dangerously in love, crazy in love, all that other dramatic shit beyonce was talking about.

Also, I get to vote! Yay! I can't remember if I registered independent, and I really hope I didn't no matter what Lou Dobbs says. *i really think he's a cranky old man with a tv show. Everyone's an idiot. Everyone is a conspirator. No thanks.* I want to vote for Obama. That's right, I've decided to get off the fence. John made it easier for me, and I really agree that he should be O's running mate. Screw that Obama/ Clinton ticket. It's something that would be cool on that whole "vote for the black and the woman" thing, but I'm thinking about what's best for our country. I like John. But I digress. I'm gonna get up, walk to the polls, and then color my hair! Finally!

After all that I'm gonna hang out with Kesi and give him his present. I hope he likes it. Yay! Tuesday will be a good day.
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Rashan Jamal said...

Congrats! That's a long time. I've never been able to make it past 3 years.

La said...

Awww you guys are so gross.


Jameil said...

lmao @ la. i'm always down for anything that brings out little mermaid references!! i'm so excited for you guys and HURRAY FOR PICKING BARACK!! I ROCK BARACK!! Did you see the piece Shani and I both posted? FAAAANtastic!!

the joy said...

Rashan- thanks. I thank God for him every day.

La- you know you loves it.

Jam- can you believe I could not think of any little mermaid songs except "poor unfortunate souls"? I don't think that's appropriate. I can't watch the videos but of course I've been following 2 of my favorite pundits.