Monday, February 18, 2008


I finally did an Utterz. As I state on it, I didn't know what to talk about until today. I didn't mention that if you think was talking fast its because I was trying not to say "um," which happens when I am leaving messages on answering machines. It was very weird that I was talking to no one in particular...

Now I'm off to add Jameil and rashan to my circle so I can listen to their Utterz... After my night minutes start.


Rashan Jamal said...

Soon as I get home from work, I'm a check it out. The firewalls wont let me listen.

Adei von K said...

cooooool!!! i want one! i want to know if i sound like i look!

Adei von K said...

wow! i am not surprised by how you sound! that is so cool!!!!

the joy said...

Rashan- I'm still trying to figure out how to add yall or "follow" as it says. There's probably a link, but it doesn't show up on my berry. Blah.

Stace- ooh yes do it! This is like a whole new world! And what does that mean?!? Do you like my voice or is it, like I think it is, weird?

Jameil said...


Jameil said...

i want to be the lady who dances on elephants! i would do trapezes but i'm afraid of heights. i don't like when my stomach drops.

Ms.Lady said...

This thingie is cute!!

GreatWhyte said...

Oooh add me! Add me!!

the joy said...

Jam- that too is an option. I'd really love to be the chick I saw who was swaying on this pole 50ft in the air. She's got balls! She slid down the pole head first!

Ms lady- isn't it? One more activity!

X- I will, soon as I figure out how... I wanna hear about John.

the joy said...

Jam- that too is an option. I'd really love to be the chick I saw who was swaying on this pole 50ft in the air. She's got balls! She slid down the pole head first!

Ms lady- isn't it? One more activity!

X- I will, soon as I figure out how... I wanna hear about John.