Monday, November 12, 2007

Judy Booty

Walter Lee has been calling me Judy. As in, Big Booty Judy. If it were anyone else, I'd be pissed. But when he says it that shit is funny, and its not like he's pulling an Evil supervisor and asking me am I with child. That amazonian bitch. (amazonian as in those muscly big chicks from futurama, not the pretty model ones. Model she is not. And she's got some nerve worrying about MY weight.)

Anyways, I remember at the begining of the year, my manager made us try on our uniform khakis before she gave them to us because she wanted to make sure they "fit." my idea of fit and hers were vastly different. I mean, I asked for a 4, she gave me a 4, but these 4's... Lawd. I'm still stepping on the heels of them and I definitely NEEDED the belt we were required to wear. I say this to let you know 2 things: 1, these days, my bottom actually fits in them. Like VPL. And I am not wearing a thong to work. Especially in the winter. And 2, I like my clothes tight and now they're too tight.

When I was in hs, I used to wear the smallest shirts in the world! I'm talking, Limited Too XL so it would show my midrift and toned arms. I'd wear skater pants that hugged my butt (and yet somehow managed to show my undies at the top) and flared to impossible lengths at the bottom. I was a skater girl without a board in sight. When I wore skirts I'd tense up around the resource officers cuz I did NOT pass the fingertip test.

These days, I'm a little more comfortable in my wardrobe. But my body is not following the rules! I have about 4 pairs of jeans that I can't wear thanks to Judy, lol. Had to go buy some new pants. And I'm talking about some jeans that I've had for 8 years that I just this season grew out of. I'm not mourning this well. My shirts are more mature... And my breasts seem to know that. My brother called this cute top I have a "maternity shirt." I haven't worn that shirt as much...

I'm not too stressed about it, cuz I know that I'm still within the range of "healthy" on that lil scale of body weight, but this is like puberty revisited over here!
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Jameil said...

your metabolism is slowing. isn't it a bastard!??! lmao @ judy! oh the hilarity! but only from certain people, indeed.

the joy said...

Its the worst. I'm gonna start exercising. I always say that, but damn it, I mean it this time!